If You Love It, Stick With It

My name is Olivia Stratton and I’m a junior in Agronomy with a concentration in Agronomic Business and Marketing. After 3 years at Purdue, this is the absolute best piece of advice I can give: if you love it, stick with it.

College is already hard enough when it comes to moving to a totally new place, making totally new friends, and adjusting to life on your own. On top of that, you need to decide what you want to study for the next few years. This choice comes easy for some people, and a little harder for others, but everyone finds their place. Once you decide that you love what you do, don’t let a few hard classes change your outlook. Sometimes the classes for your major will be difficult and you may struggle more than you would like to. This happens to all of us, but it is important to remember that a couple bad classes, or hard classes, or classes that you just didn’t like should not make you give up. Everyone has classes that test their endurance, but you will absolutely make it through! The important thing to remember is that if you love what you do, stick with it because the struggle is worth it. 

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