I’m Already a Senior??

You know that saying your parents told you, that you probably never put much thought in to? The saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun?” It’s sure ringing true in my last semester of senior year. It feels like just last week I was starting college and getting in to the groove of having my own space, being able to manage my own schedule and choosing what I wanted to do without having to ask permission. Now, I’m starting to think I’m going to miss sharing my space with my roommates, my schedule is going to revolve around work, and I have too many choices to make! Life comes at ya fast so enjoy what time you have! Not to sound cliche, I’m serious. Enjoy every moment, enjoy the free time, enjoy your roommates, enjoy the fun responsibilities that come with clubs and organizations, enjoy the feeling of being on campus surrounded by thousands of people the same age as you. Enjoy it! BUT…don’t let it hold you back from preparing yourself for whats going to come at you in life.
I know for me, even before I’m graduated, life came at me pretty quick. My fiance and I bought a small farmhouse with a barn and pasture this past November. We weren’t planning on that happening, but God opened the door and provided the funds and we now have a place to call home! However, along with that farmhouse came lots of decisions, and choices, and stesses, but I wouldn’t trade it at all. Through my education and experiences at college, I was able to handle each situation as it came.
I can honestly say I have enjoyed my time as a college student, but I’m ready to settle down back home and start my next chapter in life. Some days are harder than others to stay focused on my academics, but I still force myself to make the most out of the opportunities I have here. Once I go back home, I won’t have the educational opportunities like I do here. God has blessed me with the opportunity to get an education here at Purdue, and I need to finish out this race strong, no matter how distracted I get.
So, in saying all this, enjoy each chapter of life as it comes. Make the most of every opportunity God gives you. Don’t plan too far ahead, live in the present, and allow God to take the lead on your life. I know his path for me is a better plan than my own.