Initial Internship Intensions  

When searching for an internship it is important to find a position that fits your interests and career goals. It can be overwhelming to find the perfect experience that will benefit yourself as well as the company. As a freshman last year, I was on the hunt for my first agronomic internship. I was intimidated because most of my past work experiences were livestock based. I wanted an experience that would literally get my boots into the field, and I could walk alongside an agronomist.  

My first steps toward an agronomic internship began prior to the College of Agriculture Career Fair. I had plans to work from home this past summer, so I used my connections from FFA and 4-H to look for an opportunity within driving distance of my house. I spoke to a past chapter officer from my high school because I knew that she worked for an agronomic consultant firm. She explained to me her position and how I could get into contact with the senior agronomist with the intension of interning this summer. From there I took it upon myself to reach out and got an interview scheduled. After the interview and job shadowing, I knew this is where I would be working.  

It was a predominantly crop scouting internship which was beneficial for me from a learning perspective. The senior agronomist was willing to teach me and listen to my perspective when it came to relaying solutions to producers. I was also able to not only immerse myself in different row crop management practices but, I was also able to study the fresh produce aspect of farming along the way. This experience gave me the agronomic experience that I was determined to pursue during my first summer post high school graduation.  

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