Intramurals at Purdue

The opportunities to maintain an active lifestyle with sports are endless at Purdue. From dodgeball to euchre to flag football, there are dozens of sports to choose from. I have played sand volleyball for three semesters. My intramural seasons in the fall and spring are something I truly look forward to each semester. The process to register is super simple. You sign up for an intramural pass for a semester or for year-round. Then, register a team or join a team depending on the sports offered that semester. I had the opportunity to join the team with my sorority, but forming teams of strangers or friends is completely normal too. Regular seasons typically last 4-5 weeks with playoffs starting after. More outside sports are offered in the fall and more indoor are offered in the Spring.
I truly recommend joining an intramural sport no matter what level of experience you have. IMs have divisions for males, females, and co-ed teams. Within the divisions, there are options to play in competitive or less competitive leagues. IMs at Purdue are a great way to meet new people, stay active, and develop relationships outside of academics along the way!