Learning From Your “Mistakes”

As a senior in high school, who was applying to Purdue, I was overwhelmed by what the College of Agriculture had to offer. I couldn’t decide where I wanted my path in agriculture to be. I decided to play it safe and start in ag business. Getting a degree in business would open up many doors for me, and lead me to what I want in my career. Or so I thought. After my first semester here at Purdue I switched my major to Agronomy. It wasn’t that I made a “mistake” choosing ag business, it just was not the major that suited my true interest. You think you have to know every detail of life planned by the time you graduate high school, but you don’t have to know every single detail. If you are reading this saying “This is totally me”, don’t stress out. The College of Agriculture has many majors to offer, but also it is an easy college to transfer to. I say this meaning if you start in Agronomy and decide to switch to Forestry then it won’t be a hassle at all. Every opportunity at Purdue is a great opportunity. Take risks, explore your interest, talk to your professors, get involved on campus, and learn as much as you can. College is a short few years full of life lessons and learning, not “mistakes.”

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