Let’s Talk About Involvement


While reflecting upon the past 3.5 years, I can definitely identify some “yays” and “nays” in my time here at Purdue. It took me a year or so to start getting involved in things I was interested in or thought could be a good experience. If there was one thing I would tell my freshman-year self, it would be to take advantage of every opportunity presented. Now, if there was one thing I could tell my junior-year self, I’d let her know it’s okay to say no to things. There’s a balance to involvement—it’s crucial to keeping your sanity and reducing your caffeine intake. Involvement is so important (and fun) but there’s only so much one person can do. It’s beneficial to take a moment to think about whether you have sufficient time and energy for the things you need to do before taking on another event/task/position. There are so many cool organizations and clubs to join at Purdue that can help prepare you for your future; take your time in figuring out what’s a good fit for you to make the most of what Purdue offers.

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