Looking Ahead

Although we are currently full swing in the school year I have found myself thinking, planning, and looking forward to this summer. The reason I am so excited for this summer to arrive is because I will be interning at Becks Hybrids. This has been an internship I’ve been anticipating for some time now. Most of the tasks I will be carrying out this summer involve crop/field scouting since I am enrolled in the production internship position. This internship will be a big step in my college career and a great learning experience.

With all the excitement and anticipation for this summer to arrive, I often find that I have to remind myself to stay focused on what is going on right now- school. Nearing the end of the semester usually means lots of projects, exams, and work in general. This can all be overwhelming, but knowing that all this hard work and material I’ve learned can be implemented in my summer internship helps me stay on track. A few important things I’ve learned at Purdue in my two years are to always do your best in school and to get summer internships. These two ideas will make sure you get the most out of your college experience and give you a future worth looking ahead to.


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