Looking Ahead at Spring Semester and Summer Internships

This semester I am truly focusing on the science and systematic approach of Agronomy. I am taking Organic Chemistry, Biology, Cropping Systems, and Farm Organization. These classes have all been very interesting and are structured in a way that helps me succeed as a student. AGRY 375 is Cropping Systems and is currently taught by Lee Schwitzer, an excellent teacher. In this class, we touch on all important topics pertaining to agronomic decisions from a business standpoint to a farmer’s perspective. I am glad to be taking this class in the Spring of my sophomore year since I have already taken Crop Production (AGRY 105) and Soil Science (AGRY 255). These classes helped better prepare me to hear and receive the information better in AGRY 375. All three of these classes are key components of a Purdue Agronomy degree. Biology is another class I am enjoying given it is touching on the basics of biology and the labs have been very insightful. Farm Organization (AGEC 310) is an excellent class because it helps me as a student to better understand the business and decision-making behind farming. Currently, we are talking about succession planning, which is a hard topic for many farmers, but I have learned numerous things. I am eager to see what this semester has in store for me and to see what knowledge I gain come summer. Speaking of summer, I am extremely excited about my summer internship with Advanced Agrilytics. I will be a field scout for them this coming summer working in both Tippecanoe and Montgomery County. I know being a field scout is not always glamorous but I am so excited to have my boots on the ground this summer to help farmers to better succeed. Throughout my two short years here at Purdue, thus far, I have discovered I have a strong interest in crop management. Advanced Agrilytics prioritizes this and ensures interns will learn and walk away a better agronomist than before. I am most excited to interact with farmers and better communicate what I am seeing in their production acres. I believe this internship will help me to better communicate, problem-solve, and develop agronomic knowledge. All key components needed looking forward to my future career.

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