The “coop” crew
Hello! I’m Lindsay Comer, a junior studying Agronomy with a minor in Animal Science and Agribusiness. I am also a transfer student from IU Southeast!
Just a short recap of this past summer:
I took on my first internship this past summer. Growing up, I’ve always worked on the family farm during the summer, so choosing to not work at home was a big change. I worked at Laughery Valley Ag Co-op in Versailles, IN as a liquid tender truck driver. I was the one who mixed up “hot loads” and delivered them to our applicator. I also worked alongside the Crop Specialist in scouting fields, visiting farmers, and making fertilizer and application recommendations. This was definitely a new experience. It dealt with the side of the farm that I was not very familiar with. I loved working at the “coop” as we called it. I loved the people I worked with and loved getting to work with the local growers in my hometown. Through this internship, I learned a lot of valuable skilled and information that has greatly helped me in my classes here at Purdue.
Now going into the fall semester…I would have to say this semester has been my favorite semester of my whole college career. I’m kinda figuring out how to “do school” here at Purdue. I have several friends in my classes and several friends outside my classes. I have met many awesome people through being an Agronomy Ambassador and through my ministry that I am involved with, Purdue Collegiate Ministries. I have lots of domestic as well as international friends that I spend my time with. I LOVE meeting new people and this semester I have had the opportunity to meet several new people and am building strong and lasting friendships from these opportunities. I encourage people to be open to meeting new people, build new friendships, get out of your comfort zone!
Something my uncle told me a few years ago, “It’s not what you know, its who you know,” there is such truth in that. If it wasn’t for the friends I have today, I don’t know how I would survive Purdue. Your experiences and network is what’s gonna get you the furthest in life. Yes, academics and book knowledge is vital and important, but the people who you surround yourself with and the situations you put yourself in is what’s really going to help you succeed in life.
If you have any questions about where or how to get involved, or want a friend to talk to hit me up! I would LOVE to meet you!
Lindsay Comer
*God is good all the time and all the time God is good*