My 2020 Summer Internship

Hi! My name is Alexis Middleton and I’m a junior studying Agronomy with an International concentration. I also have two minors: Food and Agribusiness Management & Ag Systems Management.
Last summer, I interned for Winfield United as a Summer Research Technician based out Bismarck, North Dakota. I planted sunflowers, corn, sorghum, and beans for the research and demo plots. I also had the opportunity to mix and spray chemicals. I participated in a field day, drove the Skywalker, soil sampled, tissue sampled, scouted, pounded posts, and learned a lot throughout my summer.
I chose an internship that would be most unlike what I had done in my past summers. Before last summer, I had never planted or had any exposure to herbicides and fungicides. I was truly pushed out of my comfort zone because I was over 1,200 miles from home doing nothing I had ever done before. My summer resulted in a lot of personal and career growth.