My Summer With Corteva Agrisciences

Hello, my name is Brett Leisure and I spent my summer with Corteva Agrisciences in Windfall, Indiana as a Summer Research Assistant. I obtained this position at the College of Ag Career Fair last fall. The wet start to the year had a major impact on our summer in Windfall. However, once we got everything planted things finally started to get busy for us. Some of the duties that me and my fellow interns got to help with and experience this summer included helping out on planting crews, playing key roles in wheat roguing, selections, and harvest. We also got to attend informative field days where we got to learn more about Enlist, a new herbicide technology, and a Purdue field day which covered many relevant topics for both this growing season and beyond. Towards the end of the summer we stayed busy pollinating corn and doing corn tissue sampling. I am thankful to Corteva for providing me this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of what modern corn, soybean, and wheat development looks like. Having this knowledge will be important no matter what career path I end up having in the agricultural industry.