NACTA Crops Contest

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go to California for a national’s crops judging contest with Purdue through the crops judging team here in the agronomy department. I was able to see orchards on top of orchards, and vineyards, which was very cool to be able to see how different agriculture out West was. Besides agricultural stuff we saw Yosemite, which was an amazing experience, and just being able to see tall sequoias trees out there was breathtaking. I have all of the pictures to prove it, and I will definitely make a trip back out West in the near future! Besides being able to see all of those different things the experience will last a lifetime, because I was able to build long lasting relationships with people all over the country. Participating in events like that bigger than yourself is really important thing to do while in college, because it allows you to grow as a person and helps prepare you for a career within agriculture. Also, an important thing is that it looks good in an interview, which could set you apart from other candidates in that field. 

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