Sliding through Senior Year

Throughout your college career everyone is always telling you to get involved. What they don’t tell you about is how that all changes your last semester. For the past three years of my life I have been involved in multiple clubs, where I held officer positions and did as much as I could. I have now passed the torch to younger students, but it is a big adjustment for me. I no longer have to show up early and stay late for meetings, help run some of our events, and fulfill the duties of a treasurer. It is a bit bittersweet. I am still a part of the club but I no longer feel as connected as I did while I was an officer. I don’t regret being involved while at Purdue, but it has definitely been an adjustment in my last semester on campus. It is important to get involved. I recommend to take the advice of all of the people that tell you to get involved, but just remember all good things must come to an end.