Summer in Ohio

Just like so many college students, I spent the summer doing an internship. I interned with Mercer Landmark in Ohio. This entailed spending the summer walking fields with an agronomist while learning as much as possible. I had the opportunity to scout for heat stress, weeds, insects, and so much more. At the beginning of the summer, we had a rough storm come through leading to fields destroyed from hail damage but eventually, they snapped out of it and grew back. Mercer Landmark also trained all of the interns on how to grade wheat, so we were at the grain facilities helping there during the wheat harvest. One of the last weeks of summer I spent the days at the main grain facility where I assisted with loading out a train! They even let me drive for a bit (I had to get a certification first)! All in all, this summer taught me more than I could ever imagine. Take the opportunity to do internships because you will learn more in the field than you ever will in the classroom. 

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