Summer with Agronomy

As a Junior here at Purdue, I’ve taken my fair share of Agronomy Courses thus far. I have many more to go, but I think it’s safe to say I have a good grasp for what’s going on. This summer, I had the privilege of putting this knowledge to use. I interned with Co-Alliance Cooperative as a Field Tech. Yes, I was a returning intern, however this summer was different. I was much more sure of myself. I understood why the crops were deficient, or why emergence may have been an issue. I was able to take opportunities to learn from professionals and actually have somewhat of an idea what they were talking about. The information I took away from two years at Purdue opened a world of understanding for me. I can look at a field while driving down the highway, and immediately know quite a bit about it. Two years ago, I would’ve just known a bean field from a corn field. I can’t wait to see what two more years in Agronomy will do and the opportunities it will open. 

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