Thankful for These Opportunities

As the semester comes to a close and I no longer need to worry about finals, I am reminded that I have a lot to be thankful for. Here is just a few things:
Being able to attend Purdue: no explanation needed. I am so blessed to attend a school like Purdue.
Having a job lined up for this summer: I am very fortunate to have an internship lined up that is exactly what I need – in the location I want to work out of in the future, only five minutes from my house, something that will help me get ready for a career in sales agronomy, and a place that wants me to return the following year for a full time position. Not only that, but I recently realized that my managers are just as excited for me to work there as I am. I am so incredibly thankful for that; because how many other people get an opportunity like this? It truly is a special opportunity.
My friends: both at school and at home, my friends have made life so much more enjoyable. I am so blessed to have people that make going to school each day something I can look forward to.
My family: They support me through everything, and I can be my truest self when I am around them. It is hard for me to not be able to see them very often, so I am looking forward to spending four weeks with them over Christmas break.
Health and safety throughout the semester: If you know me, I’m not one to think about safety very often. However, I think we take for granted safety, because you never know what day could be your last. And on a more smaller scale, I am thankful for no major injuries or sickness this semester.
Opportunities Purdue has provided me: I chose Purdue because of the opportunities, but I never knew what that would look like. This semester, I got to go to Texas for the national SASES meeting and meet other agronomy students from around the country. I am now the vice president of agronomy club, and I can’t wait to see what that position has in store for me. I became a manager for the Purdue swim team, and that has taught me a lot about leadership and stepping out of my comfort zone, while getting to be part of a D1 team of the sport I love. I got paid to drive grain cart all fall, something I would do for free. I have made new friends, and became closer to the ones I already had. And now I’m halfway through my undergraduate career.
Thankfulness isn’t just for Thanksgiving. I try to not take for granted how blessed I am with all these opportunities that God has given me. I encourage you to take a minute and think of all the things you are thankful for!