Time Management Tips!

Time management is one of the most important things you need to have to be successful in school. Losing track of time or procrastinating will decrease your GPA from missed assignments and not being prepared for exams. The first thing I recommend when trying to get better at time management, is to get a planner and put all the known dates of assignments and exams into your planner. Next, put in all of your social obligations. Be sure to actually open your planner everyday to look at what you have to do. A planner with all of the dates does no good if it is never opened. Another important thing is prioritization. If you realize you have a statistics exam at 7:30 am, make sure you have had enough time to properly study and don’t go out really late the day before. This is not me saying don’t have any fun at all, but sometimes you have to put school first to accomplish your lifelong goal of getting your dream job or getting into the school you want for your master’s. Make sure you have set goals, that will help you with your priorities. 

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