What no one tells you about college

When you first come to college everyone tells you about the dorms, the classes, and the student organizations. No one talks about how challenging it can be to move away from everything you’ve ever known. Moving away and into a new spot with a roommate you may or may not know comes with its own set of challenges. Once you make it through the first semester things seem to get more normal, you find friends who become like family. Your friend groups do truly become like a family, spending all the good and bad moments together. But the part no one prepares you for is the end of the 8th semester when you all move away and start lives of your own. The little family you created suddenly is dispersed between times zones and state line. You are no longer 5 steps or 5 minutes away from your best friends. I’m sure coming to this post you expected me to spill some tea on the bad parts of college so sorry to disappoint. During your time at college make sure to soak up every single moment and don’t take anything for granted. Time is to fleeting to spend all of your time in front of a computer all of your college career, make sure to spend time with the people who fill your bucket!