Why I Chose Purdue Agronomy

Hi! My name is Logan Lewton, I am a sophomore at Purdue right now and am majoring in Agronomic Business and Marketing. How this ever came to be, well it’s hard to explain, because I myself still am not completely sure. I know that at the start of my senior year in high school I didn’t have any ideas as to what I wanted to major in or where I wanted to go to college. I knew that I wanted to go to college and further my education in something, I just wasn’t sure what that something was or what college I would attend to major in that thing. So during the fall of my senior year I applied to three colleges that I had visited, with the hope that I would figure things out before I had to make a final decision.

Winter came and I started working after school at a farm that I had spent my last few summers working at. It was during this slow time in the winter that I had the opportunity to talk with my boss and coworkers often about college and future careers. It was because of these talks that I decided that a future in agriculture was the way that I wanted to go. This helped narrow my college search to two schools. One was a small private school that my brother attended and the other was Purdue. I come from a small town in northeastern Indiana, where I attended a small high school and graduated in a class of 80 kids. For me Purdue seemed way too big for me, I thought that it was too far out of my comfort zone, and I was leaning towards the other school.

In the spring of my senior year I got accepted to both schools and was planning on picking the smaller private school. However this quickly changed when I received an opportunity to live in a Purdue cooperative house. Living in a coop house would save me so much money and would make bills at Purdue less than half of what they would be at the other school. I also began to think about how well known Purdue’s School of Ag was and how having a degree from Purdue would put me ahead someday in my search for a job.

I ended up picking Purdue and  I am so glad that I did. I love this school for so many reasons and I can’t imagine going anywhere else. I ended up in the agronomy department by chance and thought about switching to another major my freshman year, but after only a few months I discovered that I was extremely interested in what I was learning about in my agronomy classes. Besides that I just felt accepted and welcomed by all of the agronomy department, students and professors.

I wish you luck in your search for the right college and would highly recommend Purdue, specifically the Agronomy department. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


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Logan Lewton


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