Magazine Articles

The following articles were published in various types of sheep popular press and field day reports. These articles remain unchanged from when they were originally printed. The magazine, date and issue of publication appear at the top of each article.

General Topics

Obtaining Quality Veterinary Care for the Sheep Flock


Preventing Pasture Bloat in Sheep


Management of Ewes and Lambs at Weaning

Ensure a Healthy Lamb Crop

Preventing Diseases in Lambs

Dealing with Difficult Births at Lambing

Increasing Lamb Survival

The Ideal Lambing Season

Tips for the Market Lamb 4-H Project

Reproductive Management of the Ewe Flock and the Ram

Breeding Soundess Examination


Copper Toxicity in Sheep

Feeding the Ewe Flock

Feeding the Lamb Crop

Tribute to Dr. James Outhouse

Many of these articles appeared in one of the following magazines:

Indiana Sheep Tales
Publication of the Indiana Sheep Association

The Shepherd
P.O. Box 97
4638 US Rte 42
Cardington, OH 43315
(419) 947-9289

The Working Border Collie, Inc.
Bruce Fogt, Publisher
14933 Kirkwood Road
Sidney, OH 45365
(937) 492-2215