Current Members

Xing Liu
Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Beijing Normal University, China (B.S., 2006.07)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN (Ph.D., 2012.04)
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (Postdoc, 2017.12)

Rajasi Somesh Dravid
Biochemistry Graduate Student
University of Mumbai, India (B.S.)
University of Mumbai, India (M.S.)

Leah Durst
Biochemistry Graduate Student
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI (B.S.)

Kankan Wang
Research Associate
Jilin University, China (B.S.)
Jilin University, China (Ph.D.)

Postdoctoral Scholar
Henan University of Technology, China (B.S.)
University of Tokyo, Japan (M.S.)
Kyoto University, Japan (Ph.D.)

Past Members
- Melaku Garsamo, Thesis Master (2018-2021), Scientist I at Evozyne
- Olivia Groves, Undergrad (2019-2020), IUPUI Graduate School
- Stephanie Diaz, Master (2020-2022), Associate Research Scientist at the joint precision cardiology laboratory for Bayer Pharma and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- Susan Lam, Undergrad (2020-2022), Dental School
- Benjamin Caputo, Undergrad (2022), Biotech Company
- Neha Shah, Undegrad (2023), Medical School
- Chloe Chui, Undegrad (2023-2024), Medical School
- Eva Marshall, Research Assistant (2022-2024), Graduate School at U of Michigan
- Lihong Li, Postdoctoral Scholar (2019-2024), Senior Scientist at a biotech company