Services and Fees
The Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory works for you to identify many types of plant problems and related issues. We work with both physical samples and digital images. We accept both commercial samples of all types and homeowner samples. This service is available to anyone in the continental United States. However, if you reside outside of Indiana we suggest you contact your local Extension Service office or a diagnostic lab in your region for assistance.
Follow this link for University Related Plant Disease and Soil Testing Services located in the United States.
Contact Us
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, LSPS 116
West Lafayette IN 47907-2054
Voice: 765-494-7071
Map to Lab
Identification and control recommendations for:
- Plant diseases
- Insects
- Mites
- Spiders
- Identification of unknown plants, including weeds
- Nutritional problems
- Other non-infectious problems
- Vertebrate pests
Services not available - contact us for recommendations
- Soil or tissue testing
- Pesticide Residue testing
- Water testing
- Nematode soil counts
- Mushroom ID for human consumption
- Herbicide Resistance testing
Per Sample Handling Fee: Includes routine isolations, microscope exam and diagnosis of physical samples and/or digital images:
From within Indiana: $11.00
Outside of Indiana: $22.00
Turf sample fees:
Non-Commercial Turf - $11 per sample ($22 out-of-state)
- Homeowner Samples
Commercial Turf - $25 per sample ($100 out-of-state)
- Golf Course, Sports Field, Sod Farm, Commercial Lawn Care
Choose the appropriate form for physical submission or use the Photo Upload for photo submissions.
Additional fees:
- Rapid Test Strips (viruses, Phytopthora, bacteria): $10 each or 4 strips for $25
- Conventional PCR: $30
- Brown stem rot (Cadophera gregata)
- Nested PCR: $50
- Oak Wilt
- Oak Wilt
- Real Time PCR: $50
- Xylella fastidiosa
- Fusarium virguliforme (SDS)
- Xylella fastidiosa
- Sequencing: $50 or higher
- Higher if multiple genes sequenced
- Wheat Virus Testing: $75
Click on the publication image for a pdf with information on Oak Wilt and Bacterial Leaf Scorch samples.
We accept payment in the form of cash, money orders, or personal checks.
Diagnostic responses are sent by email (or by US mail or fax upon request).
There will be no additional sample handling fee for any follow-up samples that might be requested by diagnosticians who require additional samples for a more accurate identification or diagnosis of the problem. Additional fees related to advanced testing for viruses and bacteria may be charged for follow-up samples.
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