2020-12 PAER: Agricultural Outlook for 2021

December 9, 2020

Welcome to our annual outlook issue of the Purdue Ag Econ Report (PAER), where take a look back over the previous year and also a look ahead at the economic conditions we can expect for the agricultural sector for 2021.

This past year was filled with a lot of uncertainty in the agricultural markets. A lingering trade war, weather issues, and the COVID-19 pandemic, impacted prices and brought change to all parts of the agricultural value chain. These issues continue to impact the markets now and likely into 2021.

In the following PAER articles, Agricultural Economics Faculty at Purdue University provide insight on the critical issues facing farmers and the agricultural value chain in 2021.


Brady Brewer

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics

Purdue Ag Econ Report Contributor & Editor

Articles in this Publication:

Farmland Values and Cash Rent

Trade Policy Outlook: What should we expect from a Biden Administration?

2021 Agricultural Credit Outlook

An uncertain horizon for farm policy

The Dairy Marketplace: Reflections on 2020 and factors to watch in 2021

Retail Food Price Outlook

2021 Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide

Providing Some Perspective on the Corn and Soybean Markets

The General Economic Outlook

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Trends and Changes in Agricultural Job Opening Salaries

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Using job openings that are available on the Google Jobs job board, changes and long-term trends in salary of agricultural job openings is analyzed. It is found that salaries increased year over year from 2022 to 2023 and are elevated in the summer month.


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