Board of Directors


Front LR: Kelly MacKinnon, Klint Obert, Dan Hague, Krent Frauhiger & Back LR: Loren Durst, Bob McKaig, Jay Beekman, Nathan Kuehnert, Leroy Schafer


Kelly MacKinnon

Kelly MacKinnon

District 1 Director
Kelly is proud to be part of a 3rd generation farm located in central Indiana.  Carterly Farm focuses on healthy cows, healthy soils, and community involvement.  The farm milks Holsteins with a few Brown Swiss sprinkled into the herd.  Kelly and her husband, Caleb, love sharing the farm life with their 4 young children.
Nathan Kuehnert

Nathan Kuehnert

Director At-Large
Nathan is a 5th generation dairy farmer that lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Kuehnert Dairy currently milks 300 registered Holsteins with 4 Lely A4 robots.  Nathan manages the farm with his father, uncle, brother, and wife, Sarah.  They enjoy showing cows at local, state, and national levels.  Nathan is also proud of Kuehnert Dairy's Fall Festival, which is a 6 week agritourism venture showcasing many activities centered around their cows.  Fall Festival is held every September and October at Kuehnert Dairy.
Leroy Schafer

Leroy Schafer

District 2 Director
Leroy is a 6th generation dairy farm that started farming full time in 1992.  Leroy, wife Stephanie, and their three children, currently milk 300 head twice a day, with a 26,500 rolling herd average.  The Schafer family also currently farm around 450 acres and run a custom large square bailing operation.
Dan Hague

Dan Hague

District 3 Director

Dan has been a dairy farmer for as long as he can remember.  In May 1970, Dan's dairy became grade A certified.  Dan and wife, Susan, have been married for 35 years and have two children and two grandchildren.

Dan currenly serves as the National DHIA Scholarship Vice-Chair.

Jay Beekman

Jay Beekman

District 4 Director
Jay is a 5th generation dairy farmer that currently milks 125 head and farms 900 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, and hay.  Jay and wife, Jasmine, have 2 children, Braylon and Brynnlee.  The Beekmans exhibit cattle at State and National levels and are this year's premier Red and White Holstein Breeder.
Klint Obert

Klint Obert

District 5 Director
Klint is a 6th generation farmer that lives in Lisbon County, Indiana.  Klint and his wife Ericka, have four children, Harrison, Annie, Marshall, and Miles.  Klint farms with his father, uncle, and two brothers. Together, the Obert family milks 1,200 cows and farms 1,100 acres.
Loren Durst

Loren Durst

District 6 Director
Loren, together with his wife Julie and children Kristina, Zachary, and Rachel, farm in Wouthwest Wisconsin.  Loren is a herdsman on Durst-Larse Farms LLC and enjoys colelcting antique Allis Chalmers Tractors. 

Loren also serves on the Dairy Records Management System as an advisory board member.

Bob McKaig

Bob McKaig

Director At-Large
Bob currently farms with his brother, wife Sandra, and his five children.  In addition to milking 120 cows, the McKaig family also raise corn, hay, and wheat.

Bob serves on the National DHIA advisory board and financial committee.

Krent Frauhiger

Krent Frauhiger

Director At-Large
Krent is a 3rd generation dairy farmer that farms with his father Dean, wife Liz, and their seven children.  In addition to millking 300 Holsteins, the Frauhigers also farm around 450 acres of corn and hay.