Graduate students
Yuan-Chi Chien
Botany/Plant Hormone Biology
Yuan-Chi is researching the connection between the spatiotemporal regulation of ethylene signaling components and a plant's response to stress and developmental cues. Specifically, she is focused on understanding the cellular dynamics of CTR1, a key negative regulator in the ethylene signaling pathway, and its role in regulating cellular organelle biogenesis and regulation.
Chaeyeon Ro
Botany/Plant Hormone Biology
Chaeyeon's research interest is to elucidate the functional interaction between autophagy and ethylene biosynthesis.
Postdoctoral researcher
Hye Lin is actively involved in understanding the mechanism that controls the nuclear targeting of CTR1 and the role of nuclear-localized CTR1 in plants. Moreover, she is researching to comprehend the functional link between ethylene biosynthesis and autophagy, with a specific focus on how the autophagy pathway regulates the protein stability of ACS.lab alumni
- Han Yong Lee (Postdoc, 2015-2019; Assistant Professor, Chosun Univerisity, South Korea )
- Dong Hye Seo (Postdoc, 2017-2019; Assistant professor, Ghent University, Global Campus, South Korea)
- Chanung Park (Graduate student, 2017-2022, Postdoctoral Reseacher, Chungnam University, South Korea)
- Yi-Chun Chen (Graduate student, 2015-2017; Research Associate, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Katelin Burrow (Undergrauate student, 2018-2020)
- Joseph Buckley (Undergrauate student, 2015-2019)
- Caleb Quinn Kidwell (Undergrauate student, 2021-2022)