Executive Council

The PUCESA Executive Council is made up of executives and representatives from each department with PUCESA members. The council meets the third Monday of every month from September to May.

Council members also serve on the PUCESA committees:

  • Nominating
  • Auditing
  • Membership
  • Awards
  • Professional Development

Click here to join PUCESA, or contact your department representative to provide feedback or suggestions.

PUCESA officers and Executive Council Members


Doug Richmond | drichmon@purdue.edu


  • Presides at all Executive Council and membership meetings.
  • Appoints committees and delegates responsibilities.

Past President

Jarred Brooke | jmbrooke@purdue.edu


  • Assists the president with past PUCESA issues and provides guidance with current PUCESA issues.


John Bonkowski | jbonkows@purdue.edu


  • Chairs the membership committee.
  • Maintains the membership list and all fiscal records.
  • Submits financial records to the audit committee and reports financial status at each meeting.


John Orick  | orick@purdue.edu


  • Records and distributes minutes of all executive and membership meetings.
  • Distributes notice of all called executive meetings.
  • Serves as corresponding secretary.

Executive Council MemberS