Compliance and inspection preparation
- Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) Produce Safety Program
- IDOH Pre-inspection self assessment tool
- Indiana Produce Safety Rule Exemption Worksheet
- What to Expect During an Inspection - IDOH
- Indiana Produce Farm Registration Form 55150
- Produce Safety Inspections- FDA Summary
- “Am I Covered by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule?”- Interactive Tool for Indiana Produce Farms
- Inflation Calculator
Employee Health, Hygiene, and Training
- Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Training Video for Field Employees - From Produce Safety Alliance (English)
- Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Training Video for Field Employees - From Produce Safety Alliance (Spanish)
- Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Training Video for Field Employees - From Produce Safety Alliance (Haitian Creole)
- Fruit and Vegetable Food Safety Training Video for Field Employees - From Produce Safety Alliance (Hmong)
- Portable Handwash Stations for Fruit and Vegetable Growers - Purdue Extension Publication FS-156-W
- Assembling a Low-Cost Handwash Station - Poster
- Instructions for Building a Low-Cost Handwashing Station for Food Safety On the Farm - University of Minnesota Extension
- More Than Words Illustrations - to support grower and worker training
- FDA Agricultural Water Assessment Builder
- FDA FSMA Final Rule on Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water (July 2024)
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Documentation Requirements for Water Laboratory Analysis Results (September 2023)
- Agricultural Water System Inspection is Different from the Proposed Agricultural Water Assessment (May 2023)
- FDA Fact Sheet - Update on Agricultural Water - End of Intended Enforcement Discretion for Subpart E Requirements for Harvest and Post-Harvest Agricultural Water (January 2023)
- Google Maps Indiana Water Testing Labs (updated 7.2.2021)
- Indiana Water Testing Lab Guide 6-9-2021.pdf
- Water Requirements: Insights to Get You Organized
- Equivalent Testing Methodology for Agricultural Water
- Online Calculator for Microbial Water Quality Profile- University of Arizona
- Geometric Mean, Statistical Threshold Values, and Microbial Die-off Rates
Soil Amendments
- Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin-Fact Sheet
- Documentation Requirements for Commercial Soil Amendment Suppliers
Land Use Issues
- Produce Sanitizers Approved for Use in Indiana
- Introduction to Selecting an EPA-Labeled Sanitizer
- Video Tutorial: How to Use the Excel Tool Labeled Sanitizers for Produce
- Cleaning vs. Sanitizing
- Hygienic Design on the Farm (video developed March 2020)
What is a Retail Food Establishment
Retail Food Establishment Fact Sheet
Definition of a Qualified End User:
User A qualified end-user is either: (1) the consumer of the food or (2) a restaurant or retail food establishment that is located in the same state or the same Indian reservation as the farm or not more than 275 miles away. Instead, these farms are required to include their name and complete business address either on the label of the produce that would otherwise be covered (if a label is required under the FD&C Act and its implementing regulations) or to display the same information at the point-of-purchase. These farms are also required to establish and keep certain documentation (See § 112.7).
Additional Resources
- Home Food Safety: Use of Readily Available Sanitizers on Cantaloupes. FS-34-W.pdf
- Vegetable Crop Hotline A newsletter for commercial vegetable growers prepared by Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
- Produce Safety Alliance Fact Sheet
- On-Farm Food Safety for Produce Growers
- Rarely Consumed Raw Fact Sheet
- So your farm is covered by the Produce Safety Rule
- Dropped Covered Produce
- Produce Safety Inspections
- Am I Covered By the FSMA Produce Safety Rule?- Interactive Video Tool
- KEY REQUIREMENTS: Final Rule on Accredited Third-Party Certification Third-Party Audit
- The Technical Assistance Network (TAN) is a central source of information for questions related to the FSMA rules, programs, and implementation strategies. TAN-at a Glance