Ending an Officer Position

In December of 2020, I was accepted to be a member of Purdue Ag Council. I went through an interview and application process to join Ag Council and I am so thankful for that opportunity. Ag Council is an organization on Purdue’s campus that hosts events for students and encourages clubs in the College of Ag to stay involved. Ag Council is a two-year term for college students. The second year, I was elected Treasurer for Ag Council. The treasurer is in charge of collecting and managing all of Ag Council’s financial accounts. I kept record of club payments for events, reimbursements of members, and checking BOSO accounts. Ag Council hosts large campus wide events, such as Moonlight Pancake Breakfast, Ag Olympics, Hog Roast, Hot Chocolate Social, Ice Cream Social, and Leadership Retreats. Ag Council promotes leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. I enjoyed my involvement in Ag Council and would encourage Purdue Ag Students to take part in this organization!


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