An Insight on My Summer Internship

This summer I had the pleasure of working with Advanced Agrilytics as a Field Specialist Intern. My roles as an intern were to scout certain growers’ acres every 7-10 days, looking for any issues and assessing the crop. I also had the responsibility of making field reports weekly to send to farmers about how their crops were doing. With the summer having some variation in weather, I got to see a few different things in the field and how weather affects crop growth. We scouted in three different environments in every field we looked at, which caused me to pick up on characteristics crops have in certain environments. I learned a lot this summer and was able to grow in my agronomic skills. I got to see a lot of crop deficiencies, hail damage, and numerous insects. There was a lot of independent work this summer, which caused me to rely on my scouting resources. Overall my experience with Advanced Agrilytics was great! We would have monthly regional field day meetings where we got to meet full-time employees and scout fields together. I really enjoyed this since we got to learn from others who have years of experience in the agriculture industry. I know the idea of finding an internship may be overwhelming, but there are numerous opportunities out there. Internships are about learning and finding what it truly is that you want to do once you graduate!