Looking Back on the Semester

This semester has been a little different in terms of what it has had to offer. During the semester I have had the opportunity to be involved in Ag Olympics, where we compete against the different agriculture clubs in a wide range of games. Some of those games being corn hole, egg race, sack races, and even tug of war.  Throughout the semester I also had the opportunity to apply to a study abroad trip in Costa Rica which will be over spring break next semester. That trip will allow for a wide range of lifelong relationships and memories.  The trip will also very educational and will be able to help me in my future career later in life. The semester has presented an opportunity to accept a sales internship with Land O’ Lakes in Amarillo, Texas.  There I will be working with farmers in a different world of agriculture. That alone will very interesting and will allow for an amazing learning experience. I am already looking forward to next semester and everything it will have to offer. 

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