Surviving Finals Week

Finals week can be overwhelming for any college student. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the stress that finals bring and feel confident that you’ve done the best you can at preparing yourself. Here are some of my favorite tips for surviving finals week.

  • Identify your priorities: Many times, finals week consists of not only exams, but also final projects and papers. It’s important to indicate which ones that you feel will be the most difficult or take you the longest and prioritize those assignments.
  • Remind yourself that its almost break: Whenever I feel overwhelmed while studying for an exam, I just remind myself that it will all be over by next week. It’s important to remember that hard work now will pay off once grades come out.
  • Take breaks: This one is difficult, especially when you know that you have a lot to get done. I find myself to be more productive when I take 15-to-20-minute breaks every so often. It helps to reset my brain and allows me to focus better.

Finals week can be survived and just remember that hard work does pay off in the end!

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