Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Done with Year 2

By Nate Adams | May 3, 2022

This year was so much better than last year especially when they lifted all the covid restrictions. Unlike last year I was able to actually connect with my classmates and make new friends instead of being cooped up all the time. Although this year was better than last I am ready to get back home…

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Anticipating the Summer

By Trey Mettler | Apr 27, 2022

The school year is finally coming to an end. With finals around the corner and summer right after I have started to think about what future plans I have to look forward to. This summer I will be interning at Becks Hybrids in the production field. This will involve scouting fields and checking for things…

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Spring Undergraduate Research Conference

By Samantha Barker | Apr 26, 2022

I’ve recently gotten to participate in the Spring Undergraduate Research Conference due to a scholarship I have. At first I was very nervous and anxious about presenting my poster and I was more concerned about other work I had to do. But now after I have had this experience I am very grateful to have…

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Taking Every Opportunity Possible

By Emma Spurgeon | Apr 26, 2022

Every since I was a little girl my parents always told me to take advantage of every opportunity. When I came to Purdue I decided to join the soil judging team. It was hard at first (well it still is), but I wanted to get involved with something that would take me all over the…

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Graduation Countdown & Reflection

By Sarah Jones | Apr 26, 2022

     The countdown to graduation in my apartment has been going on for months. BUT now we are just 17 days away from graduation. While that number is surreal and exciting, it’s also allowed me to reflect a lot on the last four years of my life. My college career has been very untraditional…

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Goodbye Purdue

By Katie Parsons | Apr 26, 2022

We are now in the last week of classes with finals next week and this is my last finals week here on campus. I am not graduating until December but my time on campus is done as I will be spending the fall semester in a classroom student teaching. The fact that after these two…

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Collegiate Soil Judging

By Katie Parsons | Apr 25, 2022

I have been soil judging for seven years and this year was my final year as a competitor. FFA judging and collegiate judging are very different as I have come to know based on moving through both contests. In FFA judging you are looking at soil in a very broad view and only look at…

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Spark Notes of the Dos and Don’ts From a Graduating Senior

By Alexis Middleton | Apr 25, 2022

Do Get a job on campusMake friends with the faculty – I love our facultyListen to upperclassmen – they will tell you what classes to absolutely not take (AGEC 450)Spend time in the CRC – that is where you will make friends, get tips on classes, and meet facultyGet an internship – I’d start field…

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Crops Resource Center!

By Sarah Jones | Apr 5, 2022

My home away from home on campus, more commonly referred to as the Crops Resource Center. On any given day you can find room 2-407 in Lily filled with Agronomy loving students. Sometimes there are roars of laughter, and other times its silent full of studying students. There is no better place for Agronomy students…

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