Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Internship Summer 2020

By Emily Nealy | Sep 10, 2020

Hello! My name is Emily Nealy, I’m a junior studying Agronomy, Crop and Soil Management. This past summer, I had an internship with an ag co-op, Superior Ag, in Huntingburg, IN. I worked out of the corporate office doing tissue samples for all the branches, flying the drone over growers fields, and assisting with many…

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My Last Summer Internship

By Brett Leisure | Sep 9, 2020

Hello, everyone my name is Brett Leisure, and I am a senior here in Agronomy returning from my last internship which was with Advanced Agrilytics.  COVID-19 luckily did not affect the way internship was conducted as other interns had to have virtual internships.  Some of my responsibilities for the summer were helping put in plots,…

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Summer 2020

By Jessica Peterson | Sep 8, 2020

Looking back from this time last year, if you would have told me that we would have to wear masks everywhere in public, can not have gatherings of more than 50 people, and we would be forced to understand which businesses were “essential” or not, I would have thought you were crazy. Many internships and…

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I’m Already a Senior??

By Lindsay M Comer | Mar 3, 2020

You know that saying your parents told you, that you probably never put much thought in to? The saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun?” It’s sure ringing true in my last semester of senior year. It feels like just last week I was starting college and getting in to the groove of having my…

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Thoughts From a Senior In Agronomy

By Ian Connor Rudolph | Mar 3, 2020

It’s my last semester here at Purdue and lately i have been looking back on my college career. These last four years have been great. I have made many good friends and gotten to know a lot of great people. I have learned more than i ever thought i would and even managed to remember…

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Purdue Crops Team

By Grace Beard | Mar 1, 2020

Purdue University offers so many amazing clubs, but one of my favorite ones I have had the chance to be a part of is the Purdue Collegiate Crops Judging Team. I had done crops judging throughout high school, but it was nothing compared to the level of collegiate judging. The team at Purdue is offered…

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Make Your Weakness a Strength

By Kayleigh Noel Krieger | Feb 19, 2020

When interviewing, one common question is, “What are some of your weaknesses?” If you have learned from any professional, you know that you should turn that weakness into a strength. In my situation, I have always struggled with sales and a little bit of phone anxiety. On a side note, I am also a second…

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If You Love It, Stick With It

By Olivia G Stratton | Feb 19, 2020

My name is Olivia Stratton and I’m a junior in Agronomy with a concentration in Agronomic Business and Marketing. After 3 years at Purdue, this is the absolute best piece of advice I can give: if you love it, stick with it. College is already hard enough when it comes to moving to a totally…

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What even is Agronomy?

By Jessica Peterson | Feb 17, 2020

If you are an Agronomy student, you will hear this question more than you thought was possible. I honestly think if I got a dollar every time I was asked, “What is Agronomy?” I would be able to pay my tuition. But how do you explain what the major Agronomy is? Even some people with…

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