Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Spring Semester at a Glance

By Audrey Kruse | Feb 12, 2020

The spring semester of the academic year is, for most, very anticipated. The spring is known for having a lot going on that you can participate, making the time go by fast. With no free weekends, there is enough to keep you busy if you choose, and soon enough it’s time for finals and the…

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Agronomy Resources for Everyone!

By Emily Nealy | Jan 30, 2020

Here in the Agronomy Department, there are so many different resources we have to offer! There are great places to study with friends, tons of books and resources to look up information in, and plenty of professors and faculty to network with.  If you are like me, you might enjoy working on assignments and studying…

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By Caylie Joan Leclercq | Jan 30, 2020

Change has always been hard for me. The day my parents dropped me off freshman year was a pretty rough day. I was all alone for the first time, in a new place with no one there to talk to. The first day I just kind of stayed in my room and didn’t do much. But the second day I forced myself to go…

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A Little More Time

By Caylie Joan Leclercq | Jan 30, 2020

Time. Time is the most valuable thing in this world as everyone is always left wanting more. But time is the one thing we can’t get more of. As my senior year begins here at Purdue, I am left wanting more time. More time laughing with the friends I have made, more time learning from the amazing professors I have gotten to know, and definitely more time preparing for my…

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The Benefits of a Big School

By Emily Tricker | Jan 29, 2020

Recently, Purdue University released its first round of acceptance letters to freshmen. For many students who received an offer letter of admittance, a mixture of feelings may be beginning to emerge. Relief, anxiety, and reality all begin to creep in as high school seniors now have the decision on where to go to school placed…

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Purdue Agronomy – Classes!

By Kelley A Roberts | Jan 29, 2020

Hello all! As I have mentioned before, I am a senior (graduating in May!) in Agronomy: Crop and Soil Management. I have taken MANY classes during my time at Purdue, some bad and some really good. But there have been a few that have really stood out to me. There have been several classes that…

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Purdue Learning Communities

By Brett Leisure | Jan 29, 2020

Hello everyone, it is about that time of year where people are learning that they got accepted to Purdue. Like many of you I was very excited to learn that I had gotten accepted to Purdue. However, since I was coming from a smaller high school, there were only a few people from my class…

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Purdue Agronomy – Classes!

By Kelley A Roberts | Jan 28, 2020

Hello all! As I have mentioned before, I am a senior (graduating in May!) in Agronomy: Crop and Soil Management. I have taken MANY classes during my time at Purdue, some bad and some really good. But there have been a few that have really stood out to me. There have been several classes that…

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Opportunities Through the Career Fair

By Grace Beard | Jan 28, 2020

The career fair is known to many as a very important day, for not only jobs for seniors but also the younger students as it offers a chance to network and find internships during the summer. Because of the career fair, I found my first internship that completely transformed my agronomic knowledge in just a…

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