Busy spring for Purdue Agronomy

The second half of the spring semester is a busy time in Purdue Agronomy. In Late March and April, there are many trips and campus wide events that Purdue Agronomy students are involved in. This spring a group of students on the Soils team will travel for National Soil contest. Another group of soil and crops judging students will travel to California for NACTA where they will compete against other Universities in the soil and crop judging contest. Then at the end of April, a group of students including myself will travel to Kansas State University for the Spring SASES meeting. 

In between all of these great trips students will be taking, we are also involved in Purdue Ag Week and Spring fest. This is a week in April where the College of Ag promotes and teaches Agriculture to other students and kids who do not know a lot about Agriculture. Purdue Agronomy Club puts up a booth every year during Ag Week to inform other students about things like Corn types, GMO’s, erosion, etc. We also. put on a Corn hole Tournament open to all students to raise money for Food Finders during this week. Spring Fest occurs at the end of this week and is open to families in nearby communities to teach kids about Agriculture. 

With all that being said, we are all excited for the upcoming trips and events coming up this spring! Many of us are also ready for the warmer weather as well as the start of planting season and other end of semester activities that will be here before we know it!

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