Half Way There

This spring semester has been flying by. It is hard to believe that we are already half way through this semester. One of the drawbacks of being halfway done with the semester is that it means we are in week 9 of school which is probably the second hardest week in the semester only behind finals. The reason this week is so tough is because it is midterm week. Having four midterms on top of normal school work while also trying to prepare for spring break plans and work can be overwhelming. 

Once you do somehow survive the week 9 struggle and get through all your midterms and homework you can finally relax for a week usually on a beach somewhere with your friends! After this long awaited spring break trip is over however I’ll be busy once again preparing for our upcoming Agronomy Club trips and events we will have going on this spring. I am overall looking forward to getting these exams done and enjoying my break so I feel ready to finish the semester strong when we come back!


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