Embracing the suck

We all know that time of the school year when you just want a break. Classwork seems to be piling up along with a never-ending list of meetings and activities. And spring break has never felt so far away. As I walk to class and hear students talking everyone is talking about the same few things. “I have so many exams”, “I feel like I have no time to relax”, and “I just want a break” are a few of the most common ones. I often find myself saying the same exact things. And while my chaotic schedule is mostly self-inflicted I find myself feeling the same exact way. One thing I always keep in the back of my mind is “embrace the suck”. I first heard this back in high school about sports. While you may not enjoy every moment of college or your job it will eventually pass. Taking time out of class to hang out with friends, take a walk, or just a Netflix break can help tremendously with burnout.  You don’t have to love every moment just remember this too will pass! 

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