The Future is Scary

With whatever stage of life you are at (finishing high school, finishing college, or starting a new career), trying to look into what your future may look like can be scary. We all attempt to figure out exactly what it will look like; who will stay in my life, how will my routines change, and how will I change. As I am starting to look towards graduating from Purdue and moving into graduate school, I am often kept up at night with thoughts similar to these. In those nights, I usually call my mom, and she always says to me, “Transfer your terror into excitement.” What a fantastic outlook. If we can shift our scary thoughts into ones like who will I meet, how will I build a better life, and how will I grow, we can create a mindset that is prepared and ready for the big change. Therefore, I challenge everyone to get excited for your next big change, I know that I am! 

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