Fall Semester 2018 Recap

Hello all! I hope that everyone has been able to keep warm during these cold days. You know what it means when it gets cooler outside, it’s surely nearing the end of the semester. As of right now, we only have 3 weeks until finals week, which is crazy to think about! This semester has flown by but so many exciting things have taken place so far.
To begin, I had the chance to travel to Washington, D.C. with the Purdue Collegiate Farm Bureau. We went there to experience the USDA Crop Lock-In. Also while in D.C. we were able to go on a moonlight monuments tour, visit the U.S. Capital Building and the National Archives, interact with employees at the American Farm Bureau, and much more. While there I learned so much about how prices are set for certain commodities, learned more about the history of our nation’s capital, and interacted with many people who might be helpful down the way. I cannot thank Indiana Farm Bureau enough for providing us with this opportunity.
Another awesome trip that I got to go on this semester was to Baltimore, MD with the Agronomy Club to the SASES Annual Fall Meeting. SASES stands for Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences. While there, I participated in 2 competitions: the Agronomy Club Group Poster and the Visual Presentation. I worked with 3 other people on the group poster (focusing on our work sessions we do as a club) and we ended up getting 3rd on the poster! I also submitted a visual presentation before the meeting where I chose the topic “Managing Zinc Deficiency in Corn” where I had a to create a powerpoint presentation and then do a voice-over of the topic. The meeting as a whole was a great chance to meet other students and professionals in Agronomy, explore Baltimore, and compete in competitions. Again, I am super thankful for this wonderful opportunity!
What I am trying to say is be sure to take advantage of these wonderful opportunities that many clubs offer! I have been on several trips that have allowed for me to build my network that will be beneficial in the future. I have also been able to see some awesome parts of the country and have gotten to experience their agriculture as well. There are so many wonderful opportunities that come along so be sure to try new things and step out of your comfort zone! Good luck on finals and have a great Thanksgiving and Winter Break! Please reach out if you have any questions!
Boiler Up!
Kelley Roberts (rober377@purdue.edu)