Summer Internship – Jonathan Starke

Hello again. This summer I had the opportunity to work with Advanced Agrilytics as a Field Specialist Intern in Southeast Indiana. For this internship I scouted lots of acres, but instead of just scouting and looking at every little part of the field you focus more on the environments in the field. One large lesson this summer was what it was like to look at a field to the sub-acre and focus on the different environments within the field such as dry acres to water saturated acres. We made observations on how the crop was coming up, populations, and disease and damage in the fields all summer. Our goal was to ensure that the programs that we were employing were working for the farmer in the way that we intended them. I really enjoyed getting to work with the crew of Advanced Agrilytics and the farmers. They taught me a lot on things to recognize, how plants respond to different things in the field and how we can better maximize the farm ground we have to raise more crop each year.