Botany & Plant Pathology

Plant and microbial biology helps address challenges facing us in the 21st century and beyond…

Our research on plants and microbes helps: protect the environment, apply genetic knowledge to improve plants, manage natural resources, control weeds and diagnose plant diseases.

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Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Lilly Hall of Life Sciences, Room 1-446
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard
West Lafayette, IN 47906
(765) 494-4615

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Drone in cornfield with technician in background
Purdue researchers adopt interdisciplinary approach to assessing emerging tar spot disease in corn

Dr. Christian Cruz is leading collaborative efforts on multiple fronts to combat tar spot disease in corn. His transdisciplinary approach involves departmental, national, and international partnerships, cutting-edge research, and innovative...

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Scientist with laptop showing elements of his research.
Purdue team unravels regulatory mechanism that prevents stem cell differentiation and maintains gender balance in vascular plants

Purdue University plant scientists have identified a protein that plays a previously unknown role...

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Sienna Ogawa
Sienna Ogawa - Graduate Ag Research Spotlight

Aspiring to become a marine biologist wasn’t all that unusual among her peers in Honolulu,...

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Mariela Fernández-Campos, a graduate student in Purdue University’s Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, examines leaves for tar spot in a field at Pinney Purdue Agricultural Center.
Purdue researchers adopt interdisciplinary approach to assessing emerging tar spot disease in corn

For more than a century, tar spot fungal disease in corn kept its distance from the U.S., biding...

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Diane Wang gathers plant data with a student.
Fields of Discovery: High school students join Purdue professors in research

High school students join Purdue professors to learn about research opportunities in agriculture...

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Purdue campus
Purdue University Board of Trustees appoint Johnson to crop sciences endowed chair

The Purdue University Board of Trustees has approved the appointment of William Johnson,...

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Jonathan Lu tends to a plant he is studying in the Lilly Greenhouses.
Fields Of Discovery: A hunger to research carnivorous plants

This summer, Jonathan Lu researches drought tolerance in carnivorous plants with the Department...

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