
Abigail Norsworthy

Abigail Norsworthy is a M.S. student under the supervision of Dr. Bryan Young. She was born and raised in West Fork, AR, and obtained her B.S. in Crop Science and Agricultural Business from the University of Arkansas in 2023. Her research focuses on studying the effects of herbicide interactions between diflufenican and other bleaching herbicides. She will be using phenotyping technology to diagnose and differentiate the chemical stress on plants. Abigail will conduct research to determine the synergistic, antagonistic, or additive effects of diflufenican mixtures on weed control. Additionally, she will analyze the potential to use multispectral imaging to identify chemical stress from bleaching herbicides. Abigail is expected to graduate in December 2025.

Awards & Honors

1st Place Poster - Can Metribuzin Enhance the Response of Carryover Injury from Mesotrione in Soybeans? - North Central Weed Science Society Meeting (2024)
2nd Place Paper - Differentiating Soybean Response from Two Classes of Bleaching Herbicides: An Opportunity for Phenotyping Technology - North Central Weed Science Society Meeting (2024)