Grant Isaacs
Grant Isaacs is a M.S. student under Dr. Bryan Young. Grant is originally from Grayslake, Illinois, and received his B.S. in Horticulture with a minor in Crop, Soil, and Environmental Management from Southern Illinois University of Carbondale in 2023. His research focuses on the herbicide interaction between pyridate and HPPD-inhibiting herbicides. He will conduct field and greenhouse experiments to identify synergistic, antagonistic, or additive effects on weed control and determine the influence of pyridate and HPPD-inhibitors on triazine-resistant waterhemp. Grant is projected to graduate in December 2025, in which he plans to pursue a career in crop protection as a field research associate.
Awards and Honors
1st Place Paper - Weed Genetics and Herbicide Physiology - North Central Weed Science Society Meeting (2024)