Points of Pride Icons

Current Icons

globe icon
clubs & organizations
scholarships icon
jobs icon
research icon

salary icon
Indiana Icon
Handshake Icon

majors icon

Possible Uses

  • Globe - ranking, diversity, study abroad, etc
  • Graduation Cap with Diploma - graduation, job placement after graduation, graduation rates, etc.
  • Bell Tower - programs, clubs, organizations, and more.
  • Graduation Cap with Dollar Sign and Hand - scholarships
  • Briefcase - job placement, internships, careers, 
  • Microscope - research, science, innovation
  • Bag of Money - salary
  • USA Map - national ranking
  • Indiana - state staticstics/facts
  • Handshake - professional relationships, industry partners, etc.
  • Laptop - online, technology
  • Award - awards, distinctions, etc.
  • Majors

Upcoming Points of Pride Icons

This list was created from the existing Points of Pride on the old department pages. These icons are in the process of being created and will be uploaded as soon as they are ready. 

  • Facilities
  • Class size
  • Ranking

If you have another icon request that is not listed here, please contact us!

Request an icon