Drainage Publications
Designates Purdue faculty currently or formerly attached to:
* Department of Agronomy
+ Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
# Indiana Office of the State Chemist
** Department of Botany & Plant Pathology
++ Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Poland
Uncertainties in DRAINMOD predictions of subsurface drain flow using Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE). Wang, X., J.R. Frankenberger, and E.J. Kladivko. (accepted) J. Hydrology.
Subsurface drain flow and crop yield predictions for different drain spacings using DRAINMOD. Wang, X., C.T. Mosley, J.R. Frankenberger, and E.J. Kladivko. (2006) Agric. Water Mgmt. 79:113-136.
Corn growth and yield response to subsurface drain spacing on Clermont silt loam soil. Kladivko, E.J., G.L. Willoughby, and J.B. Santini. (2005) Agron. J. 97:1419-1428.
Quantifying pore-size spectrum of macropore-type preferential pathways. Kung, K.J.S., M. Hanke, C.S. Helling, E.J. Kladivko, T.J. Gish, T.S. Steenhuis, and D.B. Jaynes. (2005) Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 69:1196-1208.
Nitrate leaching to subsurface drains as affected by drain spacing and changes in crop production system. Kladivko, E.J., J.R. Frankenberger, D.B. Jaynes, D.W. Meek, B.J. Jenkinson, and N.R. Fausey. (2004) J. Environ. Qual. 33:1803-1813.
Water sampling frequency effects on estimates of nitrate-N losses from subsurface tile drains. Wang, X., J. Frankenberger+, and E.J. Kladivko*. (2003) Trans. ASAE 46:1033-1040.
Pesticide transport to subsurface tile drains in humid regions of North America. Kladivko, E.J.*, L.C. Brown, and J.L. Baker. (2001) Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Tech. 31:1-62.
Quantifying preferential flow by breakthrough of sequentially-applied tracers: Silt loam soil. Kung, K.-J.S., E.J. Kladivko*, T.J. Gish, T.S. Steenhuis, G. Bubenzer, and C.S. Helling. 2000. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64: 1296-1304.
Pesticide and nitrate transport into subsurface tile drains of different spacings. Kladivko, E.J.*, J. Grochulska++, R.F. Turco*, G.E. VanScoyoc*, and J.D. Eigel+. 1999. J. Environ. Qual. 28:997-1004.
Seasonal variation of pesticide and nitrate movement into tile drains. E.J. Kladivko *, R.F. Turco *, D.B. Mengel*, M. Hickman**, J.D. Eigel+. (1995) Proceedings, Volume 1, of the symposium Clean Water-Clean Environment-21st Century ASAE, Kansas City, KS.
A two-region model of preferential flow of chemicals using a transfer function approach. J. Grochulska++ and E.J. Kladivko*. (1994) J. Environ. Qual. 23(3) 498:507.
Validation of GLEAMS nutrient component for midwestern conditions. S. Mamillapalli, E.J. Kladivko*, B. A. Engel+. (1994) ASAE Paper No 94-2090. ASAE, St. Joseph MI.
Evaluation of GLEAMS nutrient component for midwestern U.S. conditions. S. Mamillapalli. (1994) M.S. Thesis+, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Pesticide and nitrate transport through a silt loam soil into subsurface tile drains. E.J. Kladivko *, R.F. Turco *, J. Grochulska++, G.E. Van Scoyoc *, J.D. Eigel+ , and E.J. Monke+ . (1994) Proceedings, Volume 1, of the 13th Int'l Conference Soil Tillage for Crop Production and Protection of the Environment sponsored by the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, and The Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Aalborg, Denmark.
Pesticide, nitrate, and tracer transport into subsurface tile drains in Indiana. E.J. Kladivko *, R.F. Turco *, G.E. Van Scoyoc *, J. Grochulska++, J.D. Eigel+ , and E.J. Monke+ . (1993) Proceedings, Volume 2, of the symposium Agricultural Research to Protect Water Quality sponsored by the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Minn. MS.
Validating GLEAMS with pesticide field data on a Clermont Silt Loam Soil. S. A. Sichani, B. A. Engel+, E.J. Monke+, J.D. Eigel+, E.J. Kladivko*. (1991) Trans ASAE Vol. 34:1732-1737.
Transport of encapsulated and standard formulations of herbicides through intact soil columns. M.D. Herring. (1991) M.S. Thesis*. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Pesticide and nutrient movement into subsurface tile drains on a silt loam in Indiana. E.J. Kladivko*, G.E. Van Scoyoc*, E.J. Monke+, K.M. Oates, W. Pask# (1991) J. Environ. Qual. 20(1).
Evaluating pesticide migration in tile-drained soils with a transfer function model. Utermann, J., E. J. Kladivko*, and W. A. Jury. (1990) J. Environ. Qual. 19:707-714.
Corn Growth and yield behavior with distance from subsurface drains in drier-than-normal growing seasons. F.J. Larney, E. J. Kladivko*, E.J. Monke+, J.V. Mannering+. (1989) Trans ASAE Vol. 32:579-587.
Pulsed Gas Bubbler for water level monitoring. R.L. Huffman, E. J. Kladivko*, E.J. Monke+. (1989) Applied Engineering in Agriculture 5(1):69-72.
Movement of pesticides and nutrients in drainage water. E.J. Monke+, E.J. Kladivko*, G.E. Van Scoyoc*, M.A. Martinez, R.L. Huffman. (1989) Proc. 11th Int'l Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Dublin Ireland 1:305-310.
Modeling subsurface drainage in Clermont silt loam using finite element technique. M.A. Martinez. (1989) Ph.D. Thesis+. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Subsurface drain spacing effects on soil moisture regime of Clermont silt loam. F.J. Larney, E.J. Kladivko*, E.J. Monke+ (1988) Trans ASAE Vol. 31:1128-1134.
Drainage studies on Clermont silt loam. R.L. Huffman, E.J. Monke+, E.J. Kladivko*. (1986) Paper 86-2554. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.