
Purdue Agroecology Lab Team

Carson Pearl

Carson Pearl

MS Student

Carson is from St. Louis, Missouri and graduated with a BS in Plant Sciences from the University of Missouri. He is looking to use his background in plant science to ask questions about how plant-soil interactions effect soil carbon building. Carson is a Purdue sports fan and even made the trek to West Lafayette from Missouri almost every home football weekend growing up. Carson is proud to be the next boilermaker in his family as he works on his master's degree in our lab.

Krista Zapata

Krista Zapata

MS Student

Krista is from Honduras, the heart of Central America. She graduated from Zamorano University as an Agricultural Engineer. Krista is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Agroecology with a focus on soil health of various organic systems. She is particularly interested in how soil health and productivity of organic systems can be finetuned through ecological intensification (cover cropping, reduced tillage, bio-inoculation, etc.). She likes travelling and attending conferences to learn new knowledge.

Binod Joshi

Binod Joshi

PhD Student

Binod is originally from Nepal and he obtained his master’s degree in integrated Agricultural Science from Texas State University in 2023. At Purdue, he aspires to enhance knowledge and skills in soil and crop science and will focus on assessing the holistic approach for fertility sources in corn production systems, utilizing the concepts of nutrient management strategies, microbial communities, soil health indicators, and socio-environmental impacts. He hopes to gain valuable insights into sustainable soil fertility management practices. Outside of academics, he loves to watch movies, travel, and play cricket.

Anshu Siwach

Anshu Siwach

Visiting PhD Student

Anshu is a visiting PhD student in our lab. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in the Department of Botany at the University of Delhi in India. Her research mainly focuses on the influence of moss cover on soil properties in temperate forests of the Central Himalayas and their role in the remediation of heavy metals. During her time at Purdue, she is interested in studying the effects of cover crops on soil properties and improving soil health, and in modeling the role of cover (including mosses in forests and cereal rye in corn and soybean fields), in carbon and nitrogen cycling, as well as in soil thermal and hydrological dynamics.

Annie Benson

Annie Benson

MS Student

Annie grew up in central Minnesota where her family raised vegetables, chickens, and sheep. After graduating from Middlebury College with a degree in biology, she worked at Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania for several years as a research technician on a long term trial comparing organic and conventional grain cropping systems. She is ecstatic to have joined the agroecology lab on the Indiana Organic Network (ION) project team, where she will help conduct a statewide soil health assessment of organic farms and investigate how management practices influence soil health dynamics. In her free time, Annie enjoys rock climbing, baking, and tormenting her two cats.

Sheng Lu

Dr. Sheng Lu

Post-doctoral Researcher

Sheng is currently a post-doctoral researcher in our lab. His primary research focuses on the dynamic interactions between soil microbial communities and metabolite composition, with an emphasis on nutrient cycling. At Purdue, he’s investigating how these processes interact under different crop rotation systems. Sheng earned his doctorate from Hunan Agricultural University and then worked at Central South University of Forestry and Technology as an Associate Professor. Outside of his research, Sheng enjoys driving to new and exciting locations to take in the sights and enjoy nature.

Lab Alumni

Juan Cardona Soto

Juan Pablo Cardona Soto

Visiting Student

Juan Pablo was a visiting student from Colombia, where he is studying Agronomical Engineering in Caldas University. He is enchanted by the stunning beauty and rich variety of foods that Colombia's landscapes offer. He's also keen on understanding how rapid shifts in climate and land use could impact these marvels. At Purdue, he aims to delve into the interplay between agriculture and ecology across various magnitudes. Ultimately, he aspires to forge a career dedicated to developing a sustainable production system that rejuvenates nature in Colombia.