2021 Winter Test
Performance Summaries:
- On-test summary - newsletter, data, and owners of bulls
- 28-day summary - newsletter and data
- 63-day summary - newsletter and data
- 91-day summary - newsletter, data
- Off-test summary - newsletter and data
Sale of Bulls - Saturday, April 16, 2022 at Springville Feeder Auction
The sale was broadcast on CattleUSA.com
- Sale announcement and news release
- Listing of sale bulls
- Sale catalog
- Printed sale catalog
- Percentile tables for sale bull EPDs and $ Indexes
- "Interpreting Performance Information of IBEP Bulls" and "EPDs and $ Indexes" - These articles from the catalog explain the bull information in the sale catalog
- Video - Interpreting Performance Information in the Sale Catalog - Part 1, Part 2
- Video - Caring For Your Young Bull
- Video clips of sale bulls
- Sale summary - breed and overall averages, and prices for individual bulls
- Sale summary newsletter
- Sale news and photos