Purdue University Beef Extension Publications
- Beef Quality Assurance Injection Sites and Techniques (VY-60-W)
- Controlling Food Safety Using the HACCP Approach and Prerequisite Programs (FS-13-W)
- E. coli O157:H7 - Concerns and Challenges for the Next Millennium (FS-9)
- Food Safety Hazards in Foodservice and Food Retail Establishments (FS-2)
- Food Safety Regulations for Farmer's Markets (EC-740)
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) for Foodservice and Food Retail Operations (FS-4)
- Irradiation of Meat (AI-11)
- Keeping Food Safe in Foodservice and Food Retail Establishments (FS-3)
- Listeria monocytogenes: Survival of the Fittest (FS-7)
- Meat Processing Options for Small Farms (Video) (AS-619-WV)
- Regulations for Indiana Food Processing (FS-16-W)
- Roughage and E. coli in Beef (AI-4)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: Overview of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) (FS-20-W)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: A Pest Control Program (FS-22-W)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: A Recall Program (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) (FS-23-W)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: Selection and Maintenance of Temperature Measurement Devices (FS-25-W)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: SSOP and GMP Practices and Programs (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures and Good Manufacturing Practices) (FS-21-W)
- Safe Food Guidelines for Small Meat and Poultry Processors: Verification Programs (FS-24-W)
- 2004 NPDES Permit Program for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (ID-322-W)
- Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Denmark Following the Ban on Including Antimicrobials in Livestock Feeds (ID-420-W)
- CAFOs and Community Conflict: Understanding Community Conflict (ID-365-W)
- CAFOs and Community Conflict: Understanding Conflict Between Individuals (ID-366-W)
- CAFOs and Public Health: Emissions and the Respiratory Health of Neighbors (ID-358-W)
- CAFOs and Public Health: The Fate of Unabsorbed Antibiotics (ID-348-W)
- CAFOs and Public Health: The Issue of Antibiotic Resistance (ID-349-W)
- CAFOs and Public Health: Odor and its Possible Health Effects (ID-361-W)
- CAFOs and Public Health: Pathogens and Manure (ID-356-W)
- Community Impacts of CAFOs: Growing Trends (ID-364-W)
- Community Impacts of CAFOs: Labor Markets (ID-362-W)
- Community Impacts of CAFOs: Property Values (ID-363-W)
- Contained Animal Feeding Operations - Insect Considerations (ID-353-W)
- The Economic Impact of the Indiana Livestock Industries (ID-354-W)
- Indiana Commercial Animal Production State Regulations (ID-360-W)
- Inspecting Your Confined Feeding Operation (ID-303)
- Karst Terrain and Seasonal High Water Tables: Their Importance for Siting Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (ID-368-W)
- Manure Storage Systems (ID-352)
- MRSA and Livestock Production (ID-413-W)
- Nutrient Management for Livestock Operations (ID-419-W)
- Odor Control Options for Confined Feeding (ID-310)
- Role of the Extension Educator on the Plan Commission (ID-351-W)
- Using the Web Soil Survey to Investigate Potential Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Locations (ID-367-W)
- What is a CFO, CAFO? (ID-350-W)
- Agricultural Land Protection in Indiana (ID-225)
- Building Good Neighbor Relationships (ID-305)
- Capital Investment Analysis and Project Assessment (EC-731)
- Checking Your Farm Business Management Skills (ID-237)
- The Competitive Environment: New Realities (EC-717)
- Conservation Easements in Indiana (ID-230)
- Crop Share Leasing and Lease Form (EC-210-W)
- Crop Share or Crop Share/Cash Rental Arrangements For Your Farm (NCR-105-W)
- Developing Effective Job Descriptions for Small Businesses and Farms (EC-728)
- Developing and Implementing Sound Hiring Practices (EC-670)
- Developing and Implementing a Successful Marketing Plan (EC-674)
- Developing a Sensible and Successful Marketing Attitude (EC-673)
- Developing Vision and Mission Statements (EC-720)
- Estimating Breakeven Sales for Your Small Business (EC-725)
- Farm & Family Connections: Communication in the Family (ID-239)
- Farm & Family Connections: Involving the Family in Goal Setting & Decision Making (ID-241)
- Farm & Family Connections: Taking Control of Farm-Family Living Expenses (ID-238)
- Farmers as Plant Managers & General Managers: Which Hat Do You Wear? (ID-236)
- The Farm's Legacy: A Guidebook for Intra-Family Succession (EC-817-W)
- Fatal Business Planning Assumptions (EC-734)
- Figuring Rent for Existing Farm Buildings (EC-451-W)
- Implementing Strategy: The Key Strategic Decisions for the Farm Business (EC-753-W)
- Income Enhancement Strategies for Farmers (FF-5-W)
- Indiana Cash Farm Lease (EC-257-W)
- Indiana Farm Fence Laws (EC-657)
- The Internal Analysis of Your Farm Business: What Is Your Farm's Competitive Advantage? (EC-721)
- Key Financial Performance Measures for Farm General Managers (ID-243)
- Legal Aspects of Indiana Farmland Leases and Federal Tax Considerations (EC-713)
- Managing in Times of Financial Stress (FF-8-W)
- Managing Risk in Agriculture (NCR-406)
- Measuring & Analyzing Farm Financial Performance (EC-712-W)
- Negotiating Oil and Gas Leases on Indiana Farmland (EC-564)
- New Generation Cooperatives: What, Why, Where, and How (ID-315)
- Overview of Farm Savings Accounts (FSA) Alternatives (EC-746-W)
- Pasture Lease - Form 1 (Cash Rent Per Head Per Month) (EC-624-W)
- Pasture Lease - Form 2 (Cash Rent Based on Acres) (EC-625-W)
- Pasture Lease - Form 3 (Rent to be Paid by Share of Gain) (EC-626-W)
- Pasture Leases (EC-623-W)
- Planning for the Unexpected: Human Resource Risk and Contingency Planning (EC-736-W)
- Preparing a Projected Cash Flow Statement (EC-616-W)
- Principles for Structuring Small Businesses and Farms (EC-729)
- Private Property: Rights, Responsibilities, & Limitations (ID-229)
- The Projected Cash Flow Statement (EC-616)
- The Rural/Urban Conflict (ID-221)
- Small-Scale Livestock Enterprises: Cow-Calf Enterprise Budget (EC-801-W)
- Small-Scale Livestock Enterprises: Tools for Choosing the Right Enterprise For You (EC-800-W)
- Strategic Planning: Scanning the Horizon (EC-716)
- Strategies for Dealing with Agricultural Lenders (FF-6-W)
- Tax Treatment of Conservation Easements (ID-275)
- Value-Added Business Ventures Through Producer Alliances (ID-318)
- What's the Right Rent? Adjusting Operating Arrangements in a New Economic Environment (EC-708)
- Alfalfa Insect Control Recommendations (E-220-W)
- Beef Management Practices When Forages are in Short Supply
- Birdsfoot Trefoil Production and Utilization in Indiana (ID-139)
- Common Chickweed Control in Alfalfa (WS-18)
- Considerations for Stretching Forage Supplies (CL-5)
- Considerations When Using Soybeans as a Forage (CL-15)
- Coping With a Short Forage Supply
- Corn Silage Harvest Techniques (NCH-49)
- Determining a Value for Corn Silage and the Corn Silage Value Calculator (Excel file)
- Forage Identification Pages
- Forage Nitrate Testing and Making Feeding Recommendations Based on the Results
- Forage Selection and Seeding Guide for Indiana (AY-253-W)
- Forage Terminology
- Forage Tips for the Quarter
- Frost-Damaged Forages Can Be Deadly
- Glossary of Forage Terms
- Guide to Toxic Plants in Forages (WS-37)
- Hay It or Graze It (CRP-7)
- Herbicide Grazing/Haying Restrictions (CL-8)
- Improving Pastures by Renovation (AY-251-W)
- Management-Intensive Grazing in Indiana (AY-328)
- Managing Alfalfa Autotoxicity (AY-324-W)
- Minimizing the Prussic Acid Poisoning Hazard in Forages (AY-196)
- Minimizing Tall Fescue Toxicity (AY-258)
- Musk Thistle Control in Permanent Grass Pastures (WS-19)
- Nitrate Analysis is Important for Drought-Stressed Corn Plants Destined for Forage
- Pasture Management (Web Site)
- Pasture Assessment for Water Resource Protection (WQ-39)
- Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization of Alfalfa (AY-331-W)
- The Process of Making Dry Hay (Video) (AS-654-WV)
- Producing Emergency or Supplemental Forage for Livestock (AY-263)
- Safely Harvesting Quality Forage in a Drought (Video) (AS-621-WV)
- Selecting the "Right" Legume (AY-211)
- Sensory Analysis of Hay Quality for the First-Time Buyer (AY-374-W)
- Silage Leachate: Use Caution and Protect the Environment (AS-625-W)
- Some Options for Supplementing Inadequate Forage Supply
- Steps to Improve Forage Productivity Following the Dry Summer
- Sweetclover Production and Utilization in Indiana (AY-233)
- Tall Fescue for Forage Production (AY-98)
- Timing of Hay Harvest (Video) (AS-655-WV)
- Use of Microwave Drying to Determine Moisture Content in Forage (ID-172)
- Using Hay and Forage Harvesting Equipment Safely (S-80)
- Weed Management in Pastures: Beefsteak Plant (Perilla Mint) (WS-43-W)
- Weed Management in Pastures: Spiny Pigweed (WS-44-W)
- Angoumois Grain Moth (E-236-W)
- Animal Considerations for Nitrate Toxicity When Using Whole Plant Corn as a Feed (July 2012)
- Assessing Hail Damage to Corn (NCH-1)
- Blue Eye in Corn (BP-49)
- Corn Earworm (E-31-W)
- Corn Insect Control Recommendations (E-219-W)
- Corn Silage Harvest Techniques (NCH-49)
- Cornstalk Testing to Evaluate the Nitrogen Status of Mature Corn: Nitrogen Management Assurance (AY-322-W)
- Costs of Drying High-Moisture Corn (GQ-3)
- Dealing with Nitrates in Drought Stressed Corn, From a Cattlemen's Perspective (Video) (AS-622-WV)
- Determining Nitrogen Fertilizer Sidedress Application Needs in Corn Using a Chlorophyll Meter (AY-317-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Arrested Ear Development in Hybrid Corn (BP-85-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Aspergillus Ear Rot (BP-83-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Common and Southern Rusts (BP-82-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Diplodia Ear Rot (BP-75-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Evaluation of Fungicides for Diplodia Ear Rot (BP-87-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Fusarium Ear Rot (BP-86-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Gibberella Ear Rot (BP-77-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Blight (BP-81-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Goss's Wilt on Grass Hosts (BP-88-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Gray Leaf Spot (BP-56-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Northern Corn Leaf Blight (BP-84-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Stalk Rots (BP-89-W)
- Diseases of Corn: Tar Spot (BP-90-W)
- A Dozen Do's for Successful No-till Corn Following Soybeans (AY-313)
- Drought-Damaged Corn as Livestock Feed
- Drying of High Oil Corn for Quality (GQ-35)
- Ear Corn Drying, Storage and Handling (GQ-29)
- Economic Factors of Drainage Related to Corn Production (NCH-23)
- The Effects of Late-season Nitrogen Applications in Corn (AY-364-W)
- Effects of Uneven Seedling Emergence in Corn (NCH-36)
- Estimating Corn and Soybean Residue Cover (AY-269-W)
- European Corn Borer in Field Corn (E-17-W)
- Frost Fearmongering Update for Corn (CL-7)
- Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases (BP-160-W)
- Gib Ear Rot of Corn (GQ-2)
- Growing Season Characteristics and Requirements in the Corn Belt (NCH-40)
- Handling Corn Damaged by Autumn Frost (NCH-57)
- Harvesting, Drying, and Storing Frost-Damaged Corn and Soybeans (GQ-27)
- High Oil Corn Composition (GQ-33)
- An Introduction to Integrating Cover Crops Into a Corn-Soybean Rotation (AY-353-W)
- Managing Aspergillus Ear Rot and Aflatoxin (ID-451-W)
- Managing Corn Rootworms (E-49-W)
- Meeting the Ethanol Demand: Consequences and Compromises Associated with More Corn on Corn in Indiana (ID-336)
- Mycotoxins and Mycotoxin Test Kits (BP-47-W)
- Needle Nematode (E-215-W)
- Nitrate Analysis is Important for Drought-Stressed Corn Plants Destined for Forage (June 2012)
- Optimizing Conservation Tillage Systems: Plant-to-Plant Uniformity is Essential for Optimum Yield in No-Till Continuous Corn (AY-329-W)
- Plant Analysis: A Diagnostic Tool (NCH-46)
- Potential Yield Losses in Corn from Fall Frost Damage (CL-9)
- The Presidedress Soil Nitrate Test for Improving N Management in Corn (AY-314-W)
- Shifting from Corn Drying to Corn Storage (GQ-6)
- Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition: A Historical Perspective on Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Recommendations for Corn in Indiana (1953-2011) (AY-135-W)
- Stalk Lodging in Corn: Guidelines for Preventive Management (AY-262)
- Temporary Corn Storage in Outdoor Piles (AE-91)
- Utilizing Drought-Damaged Corn (NCH-58)
- Utilizing Inoculants in a Corn-Soybean Rotation (SPS-100-W)
- Weather Stress in the Corn Crop (NCH-18)
- Considerations When Using Soybeans as a Forage (CL-15)
- Diseases of Soybean: Brown Stem Rot (BP-41-W)
- Diseases of Soybean: Frogeye Leaf Spot (BP-131-W)
- Diseases of Soybean: Root Knot Nematodes (BP-130-W)
- Drying Soybeans Requires Special Considerations (GQ-16)
- The Effectiveness of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments in Soybean (E-268-W)
- Estimating Corn and Soybean Residue Cover (AY-269-W)
- Foliar Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Foliar Soybean Diseases (BP-161-W)
- Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Seedling Diseases (BP-163-W)
- Harvesting, Drying, and Storing Frost-Damaged Corn and Soybeans (GQ-27)
- An Introduction to Integrating Cover Crops Into a Corn-Soybean Rotation (AY-353-W)
- Managing Fungicide Applications in Soybean (SPS-103-W)
- Monitoring and Decision Rules for Western Corn Rootworm Beetles in Soybean (E-218-W)
- Plant Populations and Seeding Rates for Soybeans (AY-217)
- Seed Requirement Table for Desired Soybean Populations (AY-218)
- Soybean Aphid (E-217-W)
- Soybean Cyst Nematode (E-210-W)
- Soybean Insect Control Recommendations (E-77-W)
- Thin Soybean Stands: Should I Replant, Fill In, or Leave Them Alone? (SPS-104-W)
- Utilizing Inoculants in a Corn-Soybean Rotation (SPS-100-W)
- Winter Annual Weeds and Soybean Cyst Nematode Management (WS-36)
- Adapting Silage Silos for Dry Grain Storage (AE-93)
- Beware of Flowing Grain Dangers (S-77)
- Cost of Good Sanitation Practices for On-Farm Grain Storage (GQ-50-W)
- Diseases of Wheat: Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Wheat Diseases (BP-162-W)
- Diseases of Wheat: Fusarium Head Blight (Head Scab) (BP-33-W)
- Diseases of Wheat: Revised Fungicide Spray Recommendations for Fusarium Head Blight (BP-145-W)
- Diseases of Wheat: Stagonospora Glume Blotch (BP-144-W)
- Diseases of Wheat: Wheat Viruses (BP-146-W)
- Dryeration & Bin Cooling Systems for Grain (AE-107)
- Drying Wheat to Prevent Spoilage and Sprouting (GQ-11-W)
- Fan Sizing and Application for Bin Drying/Cooling of Grain (AE-106)
- Grain Drill Metering Systems and the Need for Calibration (ABE-126-W)
- Grain Mite Infestation: Prevention and Control (GQ-13)
- Grain Storage Problems Are Increasing the Dangers to Farm Operators (GQ-8-W)
- Harvesting, Drying and Storing Grain Sorghum (AE-82-W)
- Head Scab of Wheat (CL-1)
- Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley (BP-79-W)
- Keeping Cold Grain Cold (GQ-21-W)
- Last Minute Grain Dryer Checks (GQ-19)
- Managing Dry Grain in Storage (AED-20)
- Managing Grain for Year-Round Storage (AE-90)
- Managing Moldy Grain (ID-418)
- Managing Wheat by Growth Stage (ID-422)
- Optimizing Grain Dryer Operations (GQ-15)
- Principal Stored Grain Insects in Indiana (E-80-W)
- Proper Use of Moisture Meters (GQ-14)
- Rewarming "Supercold" Grain (GQ-17)
- Solar Heat for Grain Drying - Selection, Performance, Management (AE-108)
- Stored Grain Insect Pest Management (E-66-W)
- Temporary Grain Storage Considerations (GQ-38)
- Using Grain Harvesting Equipment Safely (S-74)
- Wheat Production and Fertilization in Indiana (AY-244-W)
- Where Grain Hides in a Combine (GQ-49-W)
- Adaptability of Tillage-Planting Systems to Indiana Soils (AY-210)
- Adoption of Agricultural Conservation Practices: Insights from Research and Practice (FNR-488-W)
- Dry Matter Determination
- Feeding Strategies to Lower Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Manure (ID-304)
- Four Strategies to Improve Your Field's Soil Health (AY-363-W)
- How to Understand and Interpret Soil Health Tests (AY-366-W)
- Managing Crop Residue with Farm Machinery (AY-280-W)
- Nutritional Biotechnologies: Ionophores (Video) (AS-626-WV)
- Reducing the Impact of Aflatoxins in Livestock and Poultry (AS-614-W)
- Soil Acidity and Liming of Indiana Soils (AY-267)
- Soil Sampling for P, K, and Lime Recommendations (AY-281)
- Soil Sampling Guidelines (AY-368-W)
- Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Alfalfa (AY-9-32)
- Types and Uses of Nitrogen Fertilizers for Crop Production (AY-204)
- Value of Crop Rotation Under Various Tillage Systems (AY-230)
- What is Conservation Tillage? (CT-1)
- Zearalenone Concerns in Reproducing Livestock (AS-598-W)
- Animal Drug Testing Programs: Considerations for Youth Livestock Exhibitors (4-H-1050-W)
- Antibiotic Use in Food-Producing Animals (AI-2)
- Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Denmark Following the Ban on Including Antimicrobials in Livestock Feeds (ID-420-W)
- Beef Quality Assurance: Injection Sites and Techniques (VY-60-W)
- Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (VA-33-W)
- Cattle Warts: Bovine Papillomatosis (VY-58)
- Control of Cattle Pests (E-12-W)
- Disposal of Farm Medical Wastes (ID-306)
- The Face Fly (E-206-W)
- Feeding Colostrum to Beef Calves (VY-55-W)
- Foot-and-Mouth Disease (VY-62)
- Hoof Anatomy, Care and Management in Livestock (ID-321-W)
- Mad Cow Disease: Is It a Threat to the U.S. Food Supply? (FS-10)
- Mortality Management (ID-302)
- Pinkeye: Keratoconjunctivitis of Cattle (VY-33-W)
- Ringworm of Cattle (VY-56)
- Self-Application Devices for Cattle Insect Control (E-207)
- Treating for Internal Parasites of Cattle (VY-51)
- Use of Technology to Detect Bovine Respiratory Disease in Cattle (AS-688-W)
- Insulating Livestock and Other Farm Buildings (AE-95)
- Natural Ventilation for Livestock Housing (AE-97)
- Solar Energy Heat Storage for Home, Farm and Small Business: Suggestions on Selecting and Using Thermal Storage Materials and Facilities (AE-89)
- Solar Heating for Home, Farm and Small Business: Basic Facts About Collection, Storage and Utilization (AE-88)
- Solar Heating Systems for Confinement Livestock Buildings (AE-99)
- Worksheet for Sizing Livestock Housing Environmental Control Systems (AE-109)
- Wind and Snow Control Around the Farm (NCR-191)
- Wind and Snow Control for the Farmstead (AE-102)
- Animal Welfare and Animal Rights: Ethics, Science and Explanations (AS-662-W)
- Animal Well-Being: Cattle (AS-664-W)
- Body Condition Scoring in Farm Animals (AS-550-W)
- COOL Compliance for Beef Operations
- DNA Hair Collection for 4-H Beef Cattle Identification (Video) (AS-638-WV)
- Farm Animal Welfare: Audit and Certification Programs (AS-639-W)
- Glossary of Beef Production Terms (AS-441)
- Managing the Cow Herd During Tough Times
- Managing Your Beef Herd: Highlighting Key Determinants of Success in Preconditioning (ID-446-W)
- Methods of Livestock Identification (AS-556-W)
- Planning Farm Shops for Work and Energy Efficiency (AE-104)
- Planning Guide to Farm Machinery Storage (AE-115)
- Breeding Soundness Examinations (Slide Show) (AS-526-W)
- Bull Breeding Soundness Exams: More than a Wiggle Test (VA-25-W)
- Choosing an Estrous Synchronization Program for Replacement Beef Heifers (AS-592-W)
- Cost-Effective Timed-AI Options for Beef Cows (AS-594-W)
- Estrus Detection in Farm Animals (AS-559-W)
- Non-pregnant Cows are Non-productive Cows (AS-586-W)
- Parturition in Livestock (AS-561-W)
- Timed-Artificial Insemination in Beef Cows: What are the Options? (AS-575-W)
- Using CIDRs® in Reproductive Management of Beef Cows (Video) (AS-620-WV)
- Using Estrous Synchronization and Artificial Insemination to Increase Profitability in Your Beef Herd (AS-600-W)
- What to Expect When Preparing for Calving Season (VA-27-W)
- Zearalenone Concerns in Reproducing Livestock (AS-598-W)
- Aboveground Petroleum Tanks: A Pictorial Guide (PPP-73)
- The Aftermath of a Farm Truck Crash: Lawsuits, Settlements, and Court Proceedings (PPP-95)
- Animal Exposure Awareness (AS-570-W)
- Beware of Flowing Grain Dangers (S-77)
- Beware of Machine Hazards (S-73)
- Beware of On-Farm Manure Storage Hazards (S-82)
- Chain Saw Safety (S-78)
- Farm Family Exposure to Pesticides: A Discussion with Farm Families (PPP-72)
- Grain Storage Problems Are Increasing the Dangers to Farm Operators (GQ-8)
- Hold it Down! pocket guide (PPP-84) and poster (PPP-76)
- Keep the Trailer Connected to the Truck: Understanding the "Hitch" System (PPP-92)
- Managing Farm Chemicals (PPP-50)
- Managing Farm Emergencies (PPP-57)
- Managing Farm-Related Stress for Safety's Sake (S-86-W)
- Pesticides and Personal Protective Equipment: Selection, Care, and Use (PPP-38)
- Pesticides and Personal Safety (PPP-20)
- Pesticide Safety Tips for the Workplace and Farm: A Pictorial Guide to Best Pesticide Management Practices (PPP-61)
- Protect Your Hearing (S-76)
- Rural Security Planning: Protecting Family, Friends, and Farm (PPP-64)
- Safety with Agricultural and Industrial Rotary Mowers (S-75)
- Safety with Farm Tractors (S-56)
- Securing the Load: A Guide to Safe and Legal Transportation of Cargo and Equipment (PPP-75)
- The Selection and Inspection of Hoses: An Integral Component of Everyday Equipment (PPP-89)
- The Tractor Hitch Pin: A Critical Component in Keeping Control of Implements (PPP-94)
- Transporting Farm Equipment: What Growers Need to Know (PPP-83)
- Using Anhydrous Ammonia Safely (S-71)
- Using Grain Harvesting Equipment Safely (S-74)
- Using Hay and Forage Harvesting Equipment Safely (S-80)
- Agriculture's Effect on Environmental Quality: Key Management Issues (WQ-17-W)
- Animal Agriculture's Effect on Water Quality: Pastures and Feedlots(WQ-7)
- Animal Agriculture's Effect on Water Quality: Waste Storage (WQ-8)
- Animal Manure as a Plant Nutrient Resource (ID-101)
- Are Constructed Wetlands a Viable Option for Your Waste Management System? (FNR-202-W)
- Basics of Energy Production through Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Manure (ID-406-W)
- Beware of On-Farm Manure Storage Hazards (S-82)
- Building Good Neighbor Relationships (ID-305)
- CAFOs and Public Health: Pathogens and Manure (ID-356-W)
- Calculating Manure and Manure Nutrient Application Rates (AY-277-W)
- Closure of Earthern Manure Structures (FF-404-W)
- Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP) (ID-311)
- Emergency Action Planning for Livestock Operations (ID-301)
- Estimating Manure Spreader Capacity (AY-278)
- Feeding Strategies to Lower Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Manure (ID-304)
- Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: A Reason to Improve Nitrogen Management (AI-6)
- Implementing Site-Specific Management: Liquid Manure Application (SSM-1-W)
- Implementing Site-Specific Management: Map- Versus Sensor-Based Variable Rate Application (SSM-2-W)
- Implementing Site-Specific Management: Sprayer Technology - Controlling Application Rate On-The-Go (SSM-4-W)
- Implementing Site-Specific Management: Sprayer Technology - Controlling Application Rate and Droplet Size Distribution On The Go (SSM-5-W)
- Inspecting Your Confined Feeding Operation (ID-303)
- Land Application of Manure (WQ-16-W)
- Land Application of Manure and Environmentally Sensitive Field Characteristics (ID-308)
- Land Application Records and Sampling (ID-300)
- Livestock Manure Can Reduce Fertilizer Costs (FF-2-W)
- Management Tips for Spring Manure Applications (AS-593-W)
- Manure Applicator Calibration (ID-309)
- Manure Characteristics, Testing, and Sampling (ABE-166-W)
- Manure Nutrient Recycling (ID-307)
- Manure Storage Systems (ID-352)
- Methane Generation From Livestock Waste (AE-105)
- Mortality Management (ID-302)
- Nutrient Management for Livestock Operations (ID-419-W)
- Odor Control Options for Confined Feeding (ID-310)
- Runoff Control Systems for Open Livestock Feedlots (ID-114-W)
- Total Farm Nutrient Management - Manure Treatment (AI-9)
- Total Farm Nutrient Management - Manure Utilization (AI-10)
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) in Indiana (AI-5)
- What We Need to Know about Additive Products for Manure Treatment (ABE-161-W)
- Agriculture's Effect on Environmental Quality: Key Management Issues (WQ-17-W)
- Animal Agriculture's Effect on Water Quality: Pastures and Feedlots (WQ-7)
- Animal Agriculture's Effect on Water Quality: Waste Storage (WQ-8)
- Conservation Tillage and Water Quality (WQ-20)
- Cryptosporidium: A Waterborne Pathogen (WQ-23)
- E. coli in Surface and Ground Water (AI-1)
- Field Assessment for Water Resource Protection (WQ-42)
- Indiana Farmstead Assessment for Drinking Water Protection: Basic Questions (WQ-32)
- Indiana Farmstead Assessment System (Web Site)
- Interpreting Nitrate Concentration in Tile Drainage Water (AY-318-W)
- Karst Terrain and Seasonal High Water Tables: Their Importance for Siting Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (ID-368-W)
- Management of Ponds, Wetlands, and Other Water Reservoirs to Minimize Mosquitoes (WQ-41-W)
- Nitrate and Indiana's Ground Water (WQ-27)
- On-Farm Soil Monitoring for Water Resource Protection (WQ-43)
- Pasture Assessment for Water Resource Protection (WQ-39)
- Pesticides and the Environment (WQ-19)
- Pesticides and Water Quality: Principles, Policies, and Programs (PPP-35)
- Phosphorus Removal Structures (AY-401-W)
- Questions and Answers About Drainage Water Management for the Midwest (WQ-44)
- Runoff Control Systems for Open Livestock Feedlots (ID-114-W)
- Silage Leachate: Use Caution and Protect the Environment (AS-625-W)
- Terracing as a 'Best Management Practice' for Controlling Erosion and Protecting Water Quality (AE-114)
- Tips for Environmentally Friendly Phosphorus Applications in Indiana (AY-386-W)
- Vegetated Filter Strips for Improved Water Quality (AY-285)
- Wetlands and Water Quality (WQ-10)
- What is Ground Water? (WQ-2)
- Dealing with Nitrates in Drought Stressed Corn, From a Cattlemen's Perspective (AS-622-WV)
- DNA Hair Collection for 4-H Beef Cattle Identification (AS-638-WV)
- Meat Processing Options for Small Farms (AS-619-WV)
- Nutritional Biotechnologies: Ionophores (AS-626-WV)
- The Process of Making Dry Hay (AS-654-WV)
- Safely Harvesting Quality Forage in a Drought (AS-621-WV)
- Timing of Hay Harvest (AS-655-WV)
- Using CIDRs® in Reproductive Management of Beef Cows (AS-620-WV)
Beef Roundtable Podcasts
This list of resources was originally on the Purdue Dairy Page, and was created during the 2012 drought. It includes articles, videos, and web sites at Purdue and other universities. Although some are geared towards dairy cattle, there are some beef cattle articles, and forage information is likely applicable to all cattle.
Web Sites
- Information Resources for Drought-Stressed Field Crops (Purdue University)
- Managing the Forage Shortage (Purdue University)
- AgrAbility Resources on Farm Stress and Mental/Behavioral Health Issues - This page on the AgrAbility site includes resources that specifically address the issues farm and ranch families face during difficult times
Information from Purdue University
- Video - Aflatoxin and Other Mycotoxins
- Video - Dealing with Nitrates in Drought Stressed Corn, From a Cattlemen's Perspective
- Video - Drought Strategies for Dairy Cattle
- Video - Safely Harvesting Quality Forage in a Drought
- Animal Considerations for Nitrate Toxicity When Using Whole Plant Corn as a Feed
- Beef Management Practices when Forages are in Short Supply
- Considerations for Stretching Forage Supplies
- Considerations When Using Soybeans as a Forage
- Culling Dairy Cows: An Opportunity for Improvement when Feed Supplies are Tight
- Determining a Value for Corn Silage and Corn Silage Value Calculator - Updated for Drought-Stressed Corn (Excel file)
- Determining a Value for Silage Crops
- Drought-Damaged Corn as Livestock Feed
- Drought and Nutrient Management Considerations for Dairy Farms
- Drought Strategies for Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle
- Dry Matter Determination
- Forages and Feeding Dairy Cattle During Drought Conditions
- Management-Intensive Grazing in Indiana
- Minimizing the Prussic Acid Poisoning Hazard in Forages
- Nitrate Analysis is Important for Drought-Stressed Corn Plants Destined for Forage
- Producing Emergency or Supplemental Forage for Livestock
- Should I Quit Dairying Because of the Drought?
- Some Options for Supplementing Inadequate Forage Supply
- Steps to Improve Forage Productivity Following the Dry Summer
- Under-Exploited Doublecrop Opportunities
- Use of Microwave Drying to Determine Moisture Content in Forage
- Utilizing Drought Damaged Corn
Information from Other Universities
- Alternative Feeds for Cattle During Drought (Colorado State University)
- Assessing Drought Damage in Perennial Grass Pastures (Oklahoma State University)
- Considerations for Working with Immature Corn Silage (Cornell University)
- Dealing with the Drought - Considerations for Extending Forage Supplies for the Dairy Herd (University of Kentucky)
- Dealing with Drought and Short Feed Supplies for Beef Cattle (Utah State University)
- Drought Impact on Corn Yields (University of Kentucky)
- Drought Irrigation Strategies for Alfalfa (University of California)
- Drought Management Strategies (Oklahoma State University)
- Drought Management Strategies for Beef Cattle (University of Georgia)
- Drought-Related Cattle Feeding Problems (University of Georgia)
- Drought Related Issues in Dairy Cattle Nutrition (Penn State University)
- Drought Strategies for Alfalfa (University of California)
- Drought-Stressed Corn Silage Valuation - 2012 Guide (University of Kentucky)
- Forage Use and Grazing Herd Management During a Drought (University of Georgia)
- If the Lack of Rainfall has Resulted in a Forage Shortfall or the Need to Chop Corn for Silage Early (University of Kentucky)
- Managing Drought Stressed Pastures (University of Wisconsin)
- Managing Small Acreage Pastures During and After Drought (Colorado State University)
- Pasture and Grazing Management Under Drought Conditions (Mississippi State University)
- Pasture Recovery Following Drought (Oklahoma State University)
- Supplementation During Drought (University of Arizona)
- Systematic Drought Feeding Strategies (Texas A&M University)
- Using Drought-Stressed Corn: Harvesting, Storage, Feeding, Pricing and Marketing (University of Kentucky)
- Using Drought Stressed Corn for Silage, Hay or Grazing (University of Florida)
- What To Do With Drought-Stressed Corn Silage (Texas A&M University)
The Education Store - All Purdue Extension Publications
Updated 6/9/22