
IBEP board of directors and other personnel

2022 Officers

President Norman Voyles, Jr.
Vice President David Smith
Secretary/Treasurer Nick Minton

Board of directors

Board of Directors
Representing Name
IBCA Norman Voyles, Jr.
IBCA Randy Roberts
IBCA Steve Ritter
Angus Andrew Stewart
Charolais Vacant
Hereford Terry Ferguson
Simmental Leah Meinders
Other Breeds Ted Willer
At Large John Baugh
At Large David Smith
Purdue CES Ophelia Davis

Other Personnel

Other Personnel
Responsibility Name
Station Manager Nick Minton
FPAC Superintendent Brad Shelton
Data Consulting Donna Lofgren
Finances Nick Minton
Health Bethany Funnell
Emergency Health Jerry Rusch and Ellen Burcham
Breeding Soundness Wayne Singleton and Bethany Funnell
FPAC Staff Roger Bartlett
FPAC Staff Sam Perry, Jr.
FPAC Staff Aaron Keiser
FPAC Staff & Videos HD Smith