schedule for 2025 SUMMER Test

Note: This is the original schedule with a 125-day test. The IBEP Board of Directors may decide to change this to a 111-day test. If so, the schedule will change; check the schedule for the 2024 Winter Test to see what this would look like.

Dates for Activities
Entry deadline March 28, 2025 (Mon.)
Delivery April 29, 2025 (Tues.)
On Test Weight 1 May 19, 2025 (Mon.)
On Test Weight 2 May 20, 2025 (Tues.)
28-Day Weight June 17, 2025 (Tues.)*
63-Day Weight July 22, 2025 (Tues.)
91-Day Weight August 19, 2025 (Tues.)
Structure/Disposition Evaluation September 15, 2025 (Mon.)
Off Test Weight 1 September 21, 2025 (Sun.)
Off Test Weight 2 September 22, 2025 (Mon.)
BSE, Brand Sale Bulls September 25, 2025 (Thurs.)
Videotape Sale Bulls TBD
Open House TBD
Sale October 18, 2025 (Sat.)

* Board of Directors Meeting
Ultrasound dates will be determined after each test is underway